stuffing leather seats | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stuffing leather seats


August 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Warren, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Eddie Bauer
I think the guy I bought my 99 x off of was a real fat ass cause the leather on my driver seat has lost it's cushion in it. Anybody know of a site or a shop in the Detroit area that would work on that, to possibly restuff my seat???

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Any upholstery shop should be able to build the foam back up or replace it. Look in the phone book, that should give you a good start.

The seat in my '94 had lost some of it's shape. The problem was the foam cushion was supported by thin steel wires attached to springs. Over time, the wires cut into the foam.

I solved the problem by glueing the foam together and adding a piece of thin carpeting between the wires and foam to distribute the load. Easy job. You should be able to do it yourself.

Although the rear seats don't get used as much, I noticed they had a grid of heavy thread to do the same thing.

Do people still use Phone Books? I thought they got rid of that when the internet became very popular. For me its just a waste of good paper. :D

Well than look at an online phone book. It's still the easiest way to find shops in a particular area.

phone books still have way more info than the internet when it comes to a saturday and you need a part and you have to get it right then.

heck i found a local guy through the phone book that had the overhaul kit (basically paper gaskets and some seals) i needed for my A4LD one saturday.....and he was $10 cheaper than bulkpart . com and no shipping on top of that

oh ya, seats......

I say try doing as suggested above. It is a bit of a pain getting the upholestry off the first time but you will start to get the hang of it.

or maybe just look for replacement seats on ebay. you could get the 2 seats changed out with a whole lot less stress. just depends if you like ebay and where you live if it can save you on shipping.
