stumped on why mountaineer wont start | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stumped on why mountaineer wont start

I even tried moving the shifter to neutral and in between and turn the key to try and start it and still nothing. But like I said if I bypass that when I jump the pins wouldnt a bad neutral safety switch not allow me to drive it?

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I even tried moving the shifter to neutral and in between and turn the key to try and start it and still nothing. But like I said if I bypass that when I jump the pins wouldnt a bad neutral safety switch not allow me to drive it?

The only thing a bad NSS would do is prevent you from starting the engine (Oh, and it also turns on the backup lights when you put it in reverse).

I'll have to check that out. Thank you

I bypassed it with a push start. Thanks for your input guys
