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Superlift leaf Spring question

Newfy Trac

Well-Known Member
August 24, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Sport Trac
I talked to Superlift, they said the part # for a 03 ST (01-195) has been changed to 01-194, when I search up the 01-194 it lists 95-01 Explorer.

Using the spring chart

The only difference I can see is the "A" measurement 25 11/16 Vs. 25 3/4 for the 03-06 ST. What is odd is overall both are listed at 56".

Anybody know if the older springs will work in the newer ST ?

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If that's the only difference and all other measurements are correct, I think it's safe to assume that they'll fit just fine. If you really think about it, the difference is 1/16" which isn't very much when you're talking about a 56" leaf spring.

That's what I was thinking. Thank you :thumbsup:

I ordered the Superlift leaf springs from Summit today. I called Superlift, they assured me the 01-194 had superseded the 01-195. I talked to them about removing a leaf as well as I don't want the 4" of lift. He said just install them as is and they will settle. I'm still thinking about pulling the overload spring out as I never haul or tow anything any longer.

Summit's price is $114 each with free shipping, they have them in stock (which has been a problem) should be in tomorrow. I'll post up some pics.

I ordered the Superlift leaf springs from Summit today. I called Superlift, they assured me the 01-194 had superseded the 01-195. I talked to them about removing a leaf as well as I don't want the 4" of lift. He said just install them as is and they will settle. I'm still thinking about pulling the overload spring out as I never haul or tow anything any longer.

Summit's price is $114 each with free shipping, they have them in stock (which has been a problem) should be in tomorrow. I'll post up some pics.

Pulling the overload spring won't change the ride height if your are spring under axle.

If you are spring over axle then pulling the overload will lower the ride height..

The overload spring will change your flex though. If you stuff the tire far enough you are actually on the overload spring.. This depends on the kind of overload spring design. The overload on my old "Old Man Emu" springs was inverted compared to the rest of the stack. That means the springs would have to invert to touch the overload...

Just something to think about before you spend the time to pull the overload..


Good call Mark, I was thinking upside down or not right. Superlift was concerned what it would do to pack, if I pulled 1 leaf above the overload.

They were probably worried they would end up like this..

worn out ome-36 by maniak_az, on Flickr

That is what happens after many miles and being inverted many times when wheeling.. I got my money's worth out of them...


Wow ! All my wheeling is in the Sand Dunes, mostly whooped out. My stock springs have the typical W shape from quite a few years of pulling a 4000 enclosed trailer. It's retired from that duty now, it spends the summer in the Dunes.
