Suspension Upgrades? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Suspension Upgrades?


April 27, 2021
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United States
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Piedmont, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer XLT
So on my 98, the ride is pretty rough. And the roads out here are awful. The car just feels loose and unresponsive if that makes sense. So I replaced my front sway bar end links and then replaced all the shocks with OEM ones. Not a major difference. I've heard great things about the Rancho Rs9000 shocks and am going to upgrade to those. I have also seen a lot of people talking about explorer express sway bars. But it seems they aren't available anymore in 2021. So does anyone have any recommendations for new front and rear sway bars?

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Upgraded larger sway bars won't affect ride quality much, but will reduce body roll and street handling dramatically. EE has been out of business for many years and on rare occasions a used "X Spec" rear sway bar shows up for sale on here, eBay, or CL. Don't hold your breath though, I've been watching a long time to upgrade my also discontinued Addco 633. Third option would be the chromoly steel Hellwig 7648 that was available until about a year ago. Stock front sway bar on your 1998 is a large diameter and solid unlike previous years which were hollow. Most upgrade only the small 19mm rear sway bar. IMO, upgrading the rear sway bar is the biggest handling and safety improvement you can make providing the rest of your suspension is sound and you have good tires. Hope you get your "rough ride" issues worked out. Good luck.

Really stiff sway bars reduce ride comfort by transmitting road imperfections from one side to the other. I assume it’s why they didn’t use stiffer bars from the factory.

The torsion bar suspension will never ride nice.

Ditto, the torsion bar suspension is the roughest type, and the leaf spring rear isn't great either. The best ride will be at about the stock level for torsion bars, with the LCA's level at ride height. Taller profile tires will help, and a taller diameter as well. But other than having the softest spring rates, the shocks are about the last small thing you can do to soften the ride.

There's always the coil over conversion option. Hardly a simple adjustment though.

If your EX is 4x4 I might suggest Bilsteins front KYB rear. That combo
will tame the beast somewhat and cost effective.

I have found rancho springs and shocks to be too stiff. A stiffer shock will not improve ride but make it more harsh. I see no need for stiffer offroad suspension in my rig, it stays on the ground and I only do mild trails to great places.

I have found rancho springs and shocks to be too stiff. A stiffer shock will not improve ride but make it more harsh. I see no need for stiffer offroad suspension in my rig, it stays on the ground and I only do mild trails to great places.
i was considering the 9000xl ones with the adjust knob. the reviews are great from what i’ve seen. so i can adjust when normal driving and when going off-road

I found softer shocks help more. I have the KYB gas a just ones. The ride isn't stiff & allows the frame/body to flex in corners. Wouldn't take a road course, but I can corner decently & within the limits well enough. Brake squat does show though.
Make sure your other areas are good. Ball joints, bushings, etc. as well as your body mounts. If those are wasted, nothing will help your ride quality. And keep your tires inflated to a decent 35PSI.

So on my 98, the ride is pretty rough. And the roads out here are awful. The car just feels loose and unresponsive if that makes sense. So I replaced my front sway bar end links and then replaced all the shocks with OEM ones. Not a major difference. I've heard great things about the Rancho Rs9000 shocks and am going to upgrade to those. I have also seen a lot of people talking about explorer express sway bars. But it seems they aren't available anymore in 2021. So does anyone have any recommendations for new front and rear sway bars?
Which is more of an issue, the poor ride quality or the handling? Do you desire more comfortable ride or better handling? Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, the anti-roll bars that you have are pretty much it.

If a softer ride is desired, the easiest answer is to use "soft" sidewall tires with a lower than max pressure. Warning, do not go too low in tire pressure and monitor how much weight you carry or the tires might fail. The detractor is that, while setup this way, the handling quality will be poor.

For better handling, adding adjustable leaf helper springs will allow you to "play" with the setting and find a suitable stiffness. Increased tire pressure will help as well. Warning, do not exceed sidewall pressure.
If you are running over-diameter and/or over-width tires, you need heavier duty shocks to "manage" your heavier tires. Higher performance shocks will, typically, result in a rougher ride unless other modifications need them to function correctly.

Another question is does the vehicle handle well at highway speeds or does it feel loose and "jumpy"? If it feels loose, have an alignment done before making any other modifications. This will allow you to better feel the results of your fixes and know if the results are what you were looking for.

AutoWorld Explorer Express X-Spec test. Realize EE is long gone, but interesting what they had to say.

Hope it's readable and apologies for the copy degradation, I had to convert to pdf twice.

That was a great suspension kit, I've really enjoyed it. The EE rear wing was really hot and wanted back then too, but people weren't willing to pay close to $300 for it. EE was also going to make a bigger brake kit, but their business headed down about when that rumor came out. There was a short video also that came out with that magazine article, it was much better than the written story. That was about 2005, not likely YouTube then.

Don, there was a thread many years ago on EF that someone was going to "splash" a rear spoiler and make a mold of it.
Or I could be mistaking something I read on the former MySportTrac web site owned by Todd Z.

Interesting. I didn't hear of an AutoWorld YouTube review for the EE X-Spec test. Wonder if it's still there. Never mind, I'll look now. LOL

Back in the early 2000's the XP8 had a forum that had almost all of the information about the EE stuff, and XP8 options etc,
One of those members did make some rear wings by altering a Kia SUV wing slightly, he made about ten of those. I had one for a brief time before another member sold his XP8 wing to me. The EE wing was fairly short, the Kia (Sadona it may have been) was a little wider, and the XP8 was the best fitting. Here's that unfinished wing setting on my 98's hatch glass, those weren't a great fit IMO, as made.

That's the site I'd read through if I wanted more suspension parts ideas, or pictures of the EE stuff etc. Hunt "Explorer XP8 forum" and it should be there.


Don, there was a thread many years ago on EF that someone was going to "splash" a rear spoiler and make a mold of it.
Or I could be mistaking something I read on the former MySportTrac web site owned by Todd Z.

Interesting. I didn't hear of an AutoWorld YouTube review for the EE X-Spec test. Wonder if it's still there. Never mind, I'll look now. LOL
Crap, the video I was recalling was for the XP8 Saleen Explorer, and it was by Motor Trend;

I had seen one for the EE X-Spec kit, an actual video of it and the X-Spec rear wing. But I don't remember where I saw that, likely on that other Explorer site.
