swapping front ends | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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swapping front ends


New Member
January 3, 2001
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i have a 91 explorer that lays flat on the ground. i need new fenders and bumper so i was thinking about swapping a 95+ front end on it. it can be done, but i would really like to see a pic of someones whos done it previously. i only know of one and it was a lifted 4X4 off of another site. in your own opinion, what do u think about that? im also pondering a 98+hatch because i severely damaged mine during transport. thanx for all of the help fellas. lata


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You mean like this...


Contact www.perrysfabnfiber.com


I think you wouldn't be well-served by the Perry's kit. It's got the big flared fenders, and those would look incredibly weird on a lowrider. I don't know exactly what's involved in the Perry's Fab swap, perhaps you could talk to Perry about buying the kit without the fenders and then pull fenders from a scrapyard? As far as the liftgate goes, I'd like to know too. I'm planning the full fiberglass conversion and I think I'd like to have a late-model liftgate so I don't hafta mess with license plate brackets on my redneck-bilt bumpers. :smoke:

I don't know of the later model hatch will work. I think the tail lights are a different shape...square corner on early models and rounded corner on late models. I think the square corner light would hit the hatch. You can't change tail lights because the front edge of the light is straight on the early models and arched on the later models.

If you find out different, let me know. I'd like to swap hatches as well.


The whole tail gates are different , It would cost alot of $$$ to get that done , GOODLUCK .:)
