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October 3, 2003
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1999 Eddie Bauer
i was wondering if the jet 180° Degree Low Temperature Thermostat would be a good thing to buy, also what would be the best exhaust systems to get with out spending a crapload of money, some model numbers would be nice if you know them.

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if you dont have major performance mods, dont get a 180* tstat... it will jsut make the car run worse.....

all i have now is a k&n intake and a tb spacer, im planning on an exhaust soon though if i can figure out which one to get

go with something from flowmaster, gibson, walker/dynomax, borla

so with the stuff i have and the exhaust should i get teh tstat

Do the tb spacers actually give 20 hp? I was looking through the summit catalog and it said they did. Is this true?

i could feel a difference, whether it was 20 or not i dont know

i just took mine out because my mac intake wouldnt fit properly with both the spacer and new throttle body. i didnt really notice much of a difference except the whistle at about 2500 rpm. i kinda miss that =/

Originally posted by jimabena74
if you dont have major performance mods, dont get a 180* tstat... it will jsut make the car run worse.....

You sure this is true Jim? I'm running a 180* Stant and it works fine. The truck just warms up faster than it did before.

Won't the PCM make the engine running richer when you put a lower temperature tstat in?? If I remember, you'd lose about a couple of mpg b/c the computer thinks the engine is not at its optimal running temperature.

I installed a Stant 180* thermostat a couple weeks ago. My old one was apparently sticking open, because the temp gauge read lower than normal, and the idle never dropped down to where it should. The new Stant solved both problems.

I believe the PCM goes into closed loop at around 140*, so a 180* thermostat shouldn't affect the mileage. In fact, I doubt if a cooler thermostat does much except lower the combustion temps a few degrees. Since these engines seem to be plagued with detonation, I thought a cooler thermostat might help with that.....

Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer
Won't the PCM make the engine running richer when you put a lower temperature tstat in?? If I remember, you'd lose about a couple of mpg b/c the computer thinks the engine is not at its optimal running temperature.
Thats the way I understood it as well, the comp is programmed for 190* tstat, why do you think you can lower it with a HPP3 ? (hyper tech ) But this is a whole new ballgame for me so correct me if I'm wrong.

is there any pics on where the stant is?
