Tips to get these darn hoses disconnected? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tips to get these darn hoses disconnected?


Well-Known Member
September 3, 2002
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City, State
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Ranger XLT
I bought a K&N filter for my 91 X last week and a performance chip that goes on the IAT sonsor some time ago and finally found some time to install them... or so I thought....

According to my Haynes manual, getting to the air filter should be a 2 minute job at most, so I unscrewed a few screws, undid a couple little clamp things, and CAN'T GET THE AIR DUCT OFF! I've pulled, pushed, pried, and it's not budging... So I moved on the IAT sensor, another 30 second job... That's not moving either...

What are some things you would suggest to get these things to move so I can put those nice, expensive parts in my X instead of my parts corner of the bedroom?

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sorry to say this, but the iat performance ship is a scam, it will do more harm than good...

is this a k&n drop in filter or an open element conical filter? if it is a drop in, you should not need to remove the airbox......

Thanks for the warning... Only spent $3 so it's no big loss :)

I assume by conical you mean the cone-shaped filters... It's the rectangle type flat filter that replaces the stock one in the 4.0 motor...

I'm just trying to follow the manual... it says the air filter is in that little black box under a piece of plastic that doesn't do ANYTHING and can't be removed unless I take off that hose that's not moving :mad:

the box just comes apart at the seem.... the top part seperates from the bottom half..... make sure you removed all the screws, then just tug on it, and it will come apart

alright, I'll try that... Thanks!

You have to slide the box towards you, and up, at the back are two tabs that hold the top down....if you pull straight up you will break them.
