Totally stumped.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Totally stumped....


October 30, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Here's the problem, just started out of the clear blue, on a 1997 XLT SOHC. Put the turn signal on and the radio comes on, no station just static, real loud. Where is there any connection between the signal/wiper lever and the radio? Sure got me stumped. :eek:

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You don't have radio controls on your steering wheel, do ya?


not unless Ford snuck them in under the steering wheel cover.

May be a problem with the GEM.

Originally posted by section525
You don't have radio controls on your steering wheel, do ya?

He does now. :D

I don't know how it worked but...

My Truck had a problem... No Head lights, No radio sometime it took 5 minutes, sometimes 20 minutes of driving then everything would come back on.

I don't know how it's all hooked up together, but it is.

Change your turn signal that will fix it. It's actually easy to change the signal. Pick one up try it if that doesn't fix it you can just return it.
