TPS test procedure on a 1995 Ford Ranger. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TPS test procedure on a 1995 Ford Ranger.


New Member
August 13, 2010
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City, State
Victoria, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
Hello this is James from Texas. I have a 1995 Ford Ranger XLT and want to test the TPS. I found the procedure for testing the Explorer TPS and am wondering if this applies to my Ranger as well. With the throttle closed the reading was 2 volts. With it wide open it exceeded 10 volts. While going from closed to WO the voltage did increase smoothly. Can someone tell me what the value should be?

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TPS Test for 1995 Ford Ranger

I performed the test and as previuosly stated the voltage moved smoothly up and down with no drop outs. The only thing was the voltage readings were higher than stated in the test procedure listed. Is this ok?

There is no way that the TPS sensor voltage going to the PCM should be outside of 0 ~ 5V because the PCM supplies it with 0v ground and 5V reference.

Typical readings:
Closed throttle: 0.53~1.27v (usually near 1.0v)
Wide open throttle: 4.0~4.8v (usually around 4.5v)

Are you testing the TPS when it is fully connected in the vehicle or are you supplying it artificially with ~12V? It should be checked between the gray/white to the gray/green with everything connected normally and the ignition turned on.

I double-checked everything and this is what I get.

With the TPS unplugged and the ignition on, what is the voltage across the brown/white and the gray/red at the TPS harness connector?
