Trails in eastern MA? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trails in eastern MA?

jonny 5

Well-Known Member
October 25, 2001
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Seekonk, MA 02771 (home), N. Dartmouth, MA (college)
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Anyone know of any trails in eastern MA? Thanks

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Sorry Jonny! the only trial I know was closed but the Local and Enviromental Police. all the good trails are in the western part of the state.

what about NH? haha or Rhode Island!

If you want to ride some trails, I would suggest that you join a Local club, as they will know where and when trails can be run. Stay away from TNT-Off-Road.... This club will eventually get arrested and all their rigs taken away. Why you ask? Because they continue to go on trils that are Publically closed, and ride on Illegal Land! SO if you need help let me know, I might be able to find you a good one...

Thanks Cboug76! Is there any way to find public trails or anything besides buying a ton of land!

Sorry to say this but NOPE!

There are NO public trails in MA besides I think its Class 5 roads...

NH/MA Trails

I and a group of friends often do some small trails and the such, I was looking for any known trails or what kind of Off-Road Clubs are in the area. Thanks:cool:
