Tranny guage problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tranny guage problem


I fix dents
Moderator Emeritus
April 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Millersville , Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
I just instaled the Perma Cool tranny temp guage in my Ex and it doesn't work.
I hooked it all up and started the truck, I had illumination, and it worked off the dimmer ( thanks Alec )
So I buttened things up and drove home.
Not I can not fathom even in this cold, even with my second auxaliry cooler that my tranny did not go over 140 degreese, which is the lowest reading on the guage. I have 12v at the light terminal and at the power terminal.

Any thoughts on where to look ?

Oh, if any body cares the Auto-Meter stering colom guage pod is a PITA to instal, but still looks cool.
( pics soon )

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Umm... My tranny temp gauge only reads down to 70 degrees, and recently when I have gotten in and started it, the gauge flashes "32" briefly before changing to a scrolling "Lo" (What it reads when the fluid temp is less than 70). Very rarely have I seen it exceed 140 in the summer in stop and go traffic. Usually it is around 120. I think it is entirely possible that you have not exceeded 140 in this weather.

Yeah the sending unit is the ground.

It is a shock to me that Perma-Cool would sell a tranny temp guage where the lowest reading ( 140 ) isn't a operating tempture.

I guess I need to hunt down a lower reading guage ?

The lowest reading on my Autometer gauge is 100 and I rarely pass that unless I'm driving for more than 20 min at a time. If I drive like a maniac for 5-10 minutes, it'll get up to 150-180.

Originally posted by B94Sport
Umm... My tranny temp gauge only reads down to 70 degrees, and recently when I have gotten in and started it, the gauge flashes "32" briefly before changing to a scrolling "Lo" (What it reads when the fluid temp is less than 70). Very rarely have I seen it exceed 140 in the summer in stop and go traffic. Usually it is around 120. I think it is entirely possible that you have not exceeded 140 in this weather.

Where is your sending unit located? Must be after the tranny cooler for those low readings.

Originally posted by aldive
Where is your sending unit located? Must be after the tranny cooler for those low readings.

It's on the driver's side tube, I believe, right before the cooler. Before I installed it I drove around for a while and then felt which tube was hotter and used that one, since nobody could say for sure which was which on a '94.

Mine is pre coolers.

Which is why I did it that way.
Yes I did mean coolerS ( plural )
The path is filter, factory aux, B&M aux, radiator ( if memory serves me correct )
Is is possible I am running below 140 ?

I have been looking around and it seems most tranny temp guages start between 100 and 140.

I would hate to have to buy a new guage.

140 F is very possible on the highway or for short runs in town with cold ambient temps. However, in stop and go traffic I would expect to see 160 to 180 F.

Well I guess I can hold off till summer, see if it moves at all.
Summit had a few that were very affordable and started at 100.

Everyone, thanks for your help and input.
It is so cool having a site like this where so many people work together to help another guy solve a problem.

I would go digital too but the rest are analog and I like the continunity.

Hey, I'll be in your neck of the woods later this week.
( Lakeland, Tampa, Orlando what have you )

I'll have to look for you and thank you for the help.
Buy you a beer or a soda or a cheese burger.
