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Transmission fluid high!


Elite Explorer<br><img src="/forums/images/stars4.
July 31, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Knoxville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT 4x4
Just to show how dumb I am, I have a question about transmission fluid levels that I need help with.

Recently had transmission serviced (fluid, gasket, filter, scrape pan, etc). Since then, have seen some seepage of ATF around the pan. Not too much, but more than the none from before. I've been checking the fluid pretty regularly to see how much fluid I'm losing. Tonight, I checked it after it'd been running for 5 min or so and just shortly after the engine had been revved at 3500 RPM or so.

The fluid level was waaay up on the dipstick, far past the checkered spot on the end. Disturbed by this discovery, drove slowly home and checked it again. Fluid level looked fine--'bout halfway on the checkered end.

OK, now the questions: Is this fluid level variance normal? A sign of overheating? Something to be worried about or is my ignorance just making me hypersensitive? Has anyone else noticed a similar problem after extending their transmission breather line?

Thanks for you help and sorry for the verbose post.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. . .

I don't understand auto trannies very well, anyway. :)

Ornery things. :rolleyes:

Yeah, that tranny dipstick is tricky to read. I've experienced what you described as well. Since you did see that the level was between the xxxxx spot, you should be fine. But keep checking it on a regular (monthly?) basis.

yeah tranny's can be deceiving. I just gave mine a flush a few weeks ago. I checked mine by finding a level spot and letting the engine idle in park (thats how the owners manual describes how to check it). I also checked it about 4 times in a row to make sure I was getting consistant readings. The fluid will also read higher on the dipstick when it is warm. The owners manual also says not to let it be above the cross hatched area on the dip stick when warm. Someone else may know wether or not you can actually get away with it being above the line. I drained about 3/4 of a quart out of mine to get it below the line though.

BTW it takes my trans about 15 miles to heat up to 150 so if your checking hot levels make sure you've drove it enough so that the fluid is warm. :)

Originally posted by silver96
Someone else may know wether or not you can actually get away with it being above the line. I drained about 3/4 of a quart out of mine to get it below the line though.

I got mine brand new from the Ford factory with about half a quart extra of tranny oil. I figured Ford knew what they were doing and left it that way for 5 years until I decided to flush it.


Drained off 1/2 to 3/4 of a quart from my aux tranny filter. Fluid levels look closer to normal and the leaking around the pan seems to have stopped. Hope I haven't put too much stress on all the other seals.

Out of curiosity, what are the repercussions of letting air into the tranny system by putting on an empty external filter? Does that make the fluid look foamy?

As always, guys, I really appreciate your assistance. This site is a wealth of knowledge!


Finally got the leak taken care of!

The ol' X spent a week and a half waiting for the very busy transmission shop to take a look at it. They pulled the valve body and replaced the seal of the shift lever shaft. Seems to have cured the leaking 100%!
