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Transmission Swap


Active Member
September 16, 2014
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City, State
Goffstown, New Hampshire
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer EB V6
I have a beat up explorer with a lot of money that's been put into it in new parts. It has rust and needs something like 1500 to get a sticker. I found an 04 explorer with a bad tranny, 100k miles and good body, mines an 02. Would an 02 transmission work in an 04 explorer? Same engine, 4.0 both are automatics.

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Take a look at the door sticker see if they are match TRansmission code. Look at the code below TR

I have a beat up explorer with a lot of money that's been put into it in new parts. It has rust and needs something like 1500 to get a sticker. I found an 04 explorer with a bad tranny, 100k miles and good body, mines an 02. Would an 02 transmission work in an 04 explorer? Same engine, 4.0 both are automatics.

Gotta love stickers. I'm over in Maine. My 2nd Gen Sport runs great and has loads of new parts but won't take a sticker because of the rust.

The only way it will work is if you swap the solenoid pack. The '02 and '03 use a different solenoid pack from the '04 and newer trans. Everything else should be okay.

Here in Aus 04 models have a different plug for the transfer case too so check that.

Not a big deal you can always keep your TC.

I also discovered 04 models do not run a seperate 4x4 control module as the other years do

The 4x4 system is integrated into the PCM on 04 models hence you will have different plugs
