Wanted - V8 Trans line radiator bracket | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted V8 Trans line radiator bracket

Parts or services wanted


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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I need the little bracket that holds the transmission lines under the radiator on a Gen II V8 Explorer. does anyone have one of these? it bolts to the bottom of the radiator and has 2 black plastic clips that support the transmission fluid lines.

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Maybe! I have two spare v8 rads, I will look tomorrow

Maybe! I have two spare v8 rads, I will look tomorrow

i'd sure appreciate that. it goes on the passenger side under the black plastic lower radiator cover. I need everything related to it (bolt, clips) too. the PO changed the rad and did not transfer that piece over to the new one. w/out it the trans lines are unsupported and just flop around.

This thing?


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This thing?

That's it! hey while you're looking at your spare radiators, would you also have the metal sleeve that goes inside the top mounting grommets? i'm missing one of them too.

I wish I lived closer to the pull-a-part, but it's 100 miles round-trip (20 in terrible north Atlanta traffic). I used to live 10 mins away from there and I was there pretty much monthly. I miss it. my local salvage yard will not let you in the yard and can't be bothered with any part under $30.

I'll PM you my address. just let me know what you want for the part(s). Thanks.

That's it! hey while you're looking at your spare radiators, would you also have the metal sleeve that goes inside the top mounting grommets? i'm missing one of them too.

I wish I lived closer to the pull-a-part, but it's 100 miles round-trip (20 in terrible north Atlanta traffic). I used to live 10 mins away from there and I was there pretty much monthly. I miss it. my local salvage yard will not let you in the yard and can't be bothered with any part under $30.

I'll PM you my address. just let me know what you want for the part(s). Thanks.

never mind about the metal sleeve. while picking up my tools I dropped a small screwdriver down near the air cleaner. I got my LED flashlight to find it and there wedged between the aux electrical box and the frame was my missing grommet sleeve. this is the second "missing" part I've located by looking around under the hood. the first was the battery hold down and bolt. the PO had told be he didn't reinstall the hold down because it wouldn't fit. if fits just fine if you turn it around the right way...lol, I still need the trans line bracket though.

No problem lol, I got your pm I'll get the boss ( my wife) on that asap
