weird noise suspension went away?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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weird noise suspension went away??


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Brandon, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
okay, so i was able to bring my truck to a shop to find out what's the popping play noise on the front passenger side that i hear when the ground level changes (not specifically when i brake. Only when the road surface changes levels by tilting forward or backwards). Keep in mind, I have new shocks on both fronts wheels and I changed out the bearing on the front passenger side wheel...

so when i brought it to the mechanic, they tried to rock the front suspension by pushing up and down on it...they weren't able to replicate the noise. So the manager and I took it for a test drive out on the road and all of a suspend, the noise is completely gone!

And he said, maybe it's got something to do with it raining today and it might be a bushing.... but I don't think so. What i find coincidental is that when I rock the front suspension by bouncing up and own on the front end of the truck right before I drive the truck, this play popping noise disappears. Not sure if this truck has rubber mounts on the springs, could this be the problem? any other suggestions? thanks in advance
