What spacers on stock wheels are you running with the Traxda/Truxxx lift? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What spacers on stock wheels are you running with the Traxda/Truxxx lift?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
I was really wanting the Fuel D515 18x9 wheel for my lift, wrapped in some BFG K02's. That's all thats holding me back from installing all my parts currently. (Would be roughly $1900 for the wheels and tires when its all said and done)

However, I have a million projects going on right now all needing money, plus I am throwing alot of money into paying my debt off.

I am thinking of just keeping my stock 17" wheels and putting big tires on them. That will save me a ton.

Ive read that the Traxda spacer lift pulls the hubs in, and I already think the hubs are too far in on these Explorers, so I want the tire to stick out a bit. (Maybe an inch or two from the fender).

What size spacer should I look into getting? Any preferred brands/styles of spacers? I drive A LOT of highway miles, I want the spacers to last. I don't want some garbage.

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Used to own aN 2006 V6 Xlt with 2.5" leveling kit with 265/75/16 discovery mud terrains. I ran 1.5" wheel spacers which I got used with no problems. Heard you can go up to 2" on the wheel spacers. Good luck.

I was really wanting the Fuel D515 18x9 wheel for my lift, wrapped in some BFG K02's. That's all thats holding me back from installing all my parts currently. (Would be roughly $1900 for the wheels and tires when its all said and done)

However, I have a million projects going on right now all needing money, plus I am throwing alot of money into paying my debt off.

I am thinking of just keeping my stock 17" wheels and putting big tires on them. That will save me a ton.

Ive read that the Traxda spacer lift pulls the hubs in, and I already think the hubs are too far in on these Explorers, so I want the tire to stick out a bit. (Maybe an inch or two from the fender).

What size spacer should I look into getting? Any preferred brands/styles of spacers? I drive A LOT of highway miles, I want the spacers to last. I don't want some garbage.

I can't speak much for the leveling kit since I don't have it installed yet myself but I'm running factory 18" wheels with 1.75" spacers. The tires are currently stock 235/55/18 but with fords18's the wheels stick out more on the lower portion of the fenders then they do on the top just because the way the fenders curve I guess (looking at the wheel, imagine it as a clockface, the wheels stick out at 3oclock and 9oclock more then they do at the top, say 12oclock in this example) if that makes any sense at all haha.
I went with BORA spacers through motor-tech and they seem to be a very snug fit, only have had them for a month so I can't speak long term but when I researched to buy them they were among the best :)

Here's an image at an angle you can somewhat see what I mean:

Try to zoom in on the back wheel and notice the top of the tire (12oclock) is just a tiny bit past the fender but the part of the tire near the bottom of the back passenger door (9oclock) sticks out about an inch and a half, maybe 2.

In my case I'm hoping wider tires will make it stick out just a little bit more on the top 12oclock portion, just need to save up for them haha.

Best of luck man!

OR you could be a man and buy 0 offset wheels. Lol jk

I'm running 1" on the front only. Been thinking about going 1.25 on front and putting the 1" out back.

I did try 2" all round and it looked too goofy being that wide.
