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What type of memory?


4x Explorer Veteran
April 8, 2002
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Ok, someone gave me an old 486 computer. and me and my friend got it hooked up and created a network and it works, but is slower than molasses(sp?). I am looking into getting a new processor(its 25mHz) an I'm looking to see if i can get more memory....I haven't a clue what type is in it:( There's 8 slots(and it has 8mb of ram). Below are some pics of it. Can i upgrade to anymore, or am i just stuck with a really slow computer?

One side:


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The other side...and i forgot to mention, its about 3 inches long:


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Those are the original 30 pin simms. They came in 256k,1m and 4m sizes. You will need to check if your motherboard supports the 4m sticks not all did and your into manual jumpers for the cpu speed. I think you'll find it difficult to find a faster cpu but you might get lucky. The fastest that you could get was a 100mhz but again not all boards support it. (33mhz bus x 3). Probably just as easy to put a big fan on and overclock it. Yes they are now like slugs but they used to be top of the range! The fastest os you can run would be a flavor of linux or win3.11 at a pinch. Upgrading such old machines can be both fun and frustrating now as there is very little support. All the best and just have fun.

Talk about frustrating, but when i got it, the first thing a said to myself, this thing is sloow! and if it ever frustrated me, i'd give it away. Right now i'm running win95 on it. and it seem to be ok. but when running aol instant messange, its horrible(i wonder y).

Could u explain how to actually over clock it? What size fan are we talking about here, and how much could i squeeze outta the little thing?

Thanks Howard :D

For speed go back to dos and windows 3.11 you'll find it much faster.

Fan size depends on how good the ventilation is at the momments and what is practical to fit. Basically the bigger the heatsink/fan the more you'll get away with.

Overclocking is just forcing the board to run the chip as if it were a faster one. Have you got the book for the board? If not get it you'll need it. Can you work out what the board is? Should have markings on it normally inbetween the isa/pci/vlb slots.

To sumise you've got a 25Mhz now set the jumpers/settings to a 33Mhz chip and see what happens if it doesn't boot then there probably is not much you can do as there is no inbetween setting.

Youv'e got to put your old head on for this one. I'm guessing but the machine is prob a 1990 ish box. No later than 1995 anyway (Pentium came out by then).

The thing to remember is what software/hardware was around when this box was new. Because that is what you have to work with. All the best.

PS I still have my 386 running dos/win3.11 and networked works fine.

I'm thinking of just using it as an Internet Explorer Maching only, no aol, no anything. The computer was given to me, so i have no books.

Just from looking at I can see no markings as what it is, but i do see jumpers right next to the processor. The bios is a 1991 verson, so i was actually assuming it was a 1991, but i just looked at the back(DUH!) and it says 1993.

The computer is a Compudyne Model 486SX-25 if that helps you at all.



Try http://www.intel.com/support/processors/overdrive/intel486/12067.htm
Shows that it can be done.

The board may have the settings on it look closely by the jumpers.

You can get IE for win3.11 version 3.02 still works.

Good guess about the date though.

Edit: We can find out the motherboard from the bios boot number. At the bottom of the first screen (whilst the computer is doing its post check). You have to press the pause key so that you can read it. Looks like a string of hex numbers and letters.

Would this be it? I got lazy and took a pic


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So what does that site mean? I see it has jumper settings, but what does it mean? and great find, model number and everything!:eek:

486's make great cheap linux boxes. I set one up at work as a print server / email server, and it runs pretty well. It does bog down a bit when someone tries to send a 10 meg file attachment though.

Originally posted by todd_c
It does bog down a bit when someone tries to send a 10 meg file attachment though.

What wouldn't ;)

I'm really just using it as a second computer, and one that i can poop around with screw up, and it makes no difference. I don't need it to be rebieable. But i would like to get it running a little better, but sticking with Windows 95. Which probably seems impossible. Some of this slowness might come from a mouse that doesn't like to work either. So once i get my cordless back, It'll get the one I'm using now.

Thats the number well done.

Unfortunately I can't find it listed in the database (over 40,000 entries) but go to this site and download and run the utility and it may help identify the board. Dead Link Removed OK. Let me know what you find out.

They have a Utility on thier site that will aid in finding it. I'm at school, so i can't download it or use it. So i'll let you know when i get home!

Sorry about the delay! Between work and school work i've been swamped! And as slow as the 486 is, i need an evening to work at it. I tried to tonite, but i got caught up in that thread about the guy w/the "03 XP8" :rolleyes: wat a moron. Anyways, i'm gonna try and get to it wednesday night and see what happens.

Thanx, TODD

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