Firefox memory leak? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Firefox memory leak?


Scubajoe - Radio Mod
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Elite Explorer
July 13, 2005
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Garner, NC
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2019 F150
I use Firefox all the time, but one annoying thing is that they always deny that they have any memory leaks. With 3 tabs open (ok, for several days), things started getting slow. Checking out task manager, I see this:



When I only had 1 Gig of RAM it never got that far out of hand before noticing how slow it was getting. Now that I have 2 Gig, it's apparently worse, or it got worse. It's only on this computer that it's real bad. I always run Athlon processors. I wonder if there is something in that which explains this.

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Normal. What does that do?

 Firefox is "only" using 70,504k...

Mine does this also, but slowly. I would just not keep it open for days at a time. It doesn't hurt to close it down after a day, or even multiple times during a day.

I'm still running 2. Just got actually. I use to see it go up to 500k sometimes, but never this high. I usually have 2-3 tabs open, and no, I don't shut it down often. When it gets this high I have to shut it down, and then go into task manager and kill it 'cause it doesn't clear itself.

Yes, I can shut it down more, but this is a pretty darn serious memory leak, and I've never seen where Mozilla has admitted to it. Mostly though I just thought it was crazy when I saw my resources that high.

firefox 3 is supposed to fix that, as well as some major resource issues with the cache.

Maybe I'll make the move. Just like stuff to be out a few months before jumping on it.

mines using 47,012k

Maybe I'll make the move. Just like stuff to be out a few months before jumping on it.

FF3 is very good. I haven't had any problems with it. It was very good at the Beta stage even.

FF3 is very good. I haven't had any problems with it. It was very good at the Beta stage even.

Well, my wife's computer got screwed up and Firefox wouldn't even start, so I had to upgrade her. There are a few plugins that aren't supported that I like to use, so I need to test out the replacements, which I think exist for most of them. I haven't seen a problem with it on her machine either. So, I was letting her test it for a while. :D

... so I had to upgrade her. There are a few plugins that aren't supported that I like to use, so I need to test out the replacements, which I think exist for most of them. :D

ROFLMAO!!! How did you get away with upgrading your wife and testing out the replacement without getting killed??????

And what "plugins" aren't supported?:eek:


Hahaha! Guess I'd better watch my wording around here. :D

ROFLMAO!!! How did you get away with upgrading your wife and testing out the replacement without getting killed??????

And what "plugins" aren't supported?:eek:


Try that on Sue and tell us how it goes. Better yet get it on video so we can document/see the aftermath.
