What used vehicle would you all recommend??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What used vehicle would you all recommend???


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2002
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'05 Toyota 4Runner SE V8
Okay, first of all, don't worry, I'm not getting rid of the Explorer. My brother had a '96 Jeep Cherokee up until yesterday...

Click the link for pics and the story of what happened...


I'm almost sure it'll be totalled, so now we have to look for something else. He has been looking online but I wanted some other opinions too. I don't think he wants an Explorer, but he does want a truck or SUV that would be both safe AND reliable as he is only 18 and I don't want him to get something that will give him any problems. As far as price goes, his Cherokee was around $8K, and he'll probably look for something equal to that amount or lower. Like I said, I am open to all ideas, (won't buy a GM product though).

Thanks for any help you can give us!

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rangers are nice, my dad had one it gave him very little problems.
get a nice 94 or 95 F150 for about 8k
if he wants reliable might consider foreign cars too...

2nd Gen explorer.....cheap these days!!

If your brother liked the Jeep, he could just get another one. I also agree that a 2nd gen Explorer is a good deal.

Edit: Your brothers wreck reminds me of a similar one that happened to the sister of someone I used to work with. The sister (who was in a Civic) pulled into the intersection after the light turned green and was broadsided by a Suburban who ran the red light. The sister ended up in the hospital and the Civic was totaled. The excuse used by the red light runner (a mom with small children in the truck) "My kid needed to go to the bathroom, so I was trying to get home sooner."

People like this should never be allowed to drive under any circumstances. If you don't realize that you are gambling with someone else's life by running a red light, then you are too stupid and self-centered to be allowed to operate a vehicle.

Thanks for the ideas! He says he wants 4wd on the next SUV, so we are looking for either another Cherokee or something else.

Do the 2nd gen Explorers have any problems to look for? Are the trannys decent quality? And what about the 1st gen Explorers? Anything we should look for?

We will get the official word on whether its totaled on Monday, then we will be buying something else VERY soon.....so keep the ideas coming!

Why reinvent the wheel?
I'd go right to Consumers Report...even if they like the imports..and check out relibility records

not very glamorous..but who needs a problem car?

I would not buy another second gen unles it vas v8 AWD. The auto trans sucks.
