What would cause a gas smell inside my X? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What would cause a gas smell inside my X?


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 EB V8
I've been getting a heavy smell of gas fumes in my 94 X only when the AC is on. It started a few weeks ago. My X drives normal & there are no codes. I don't see any leaks. Any ideas? I'm getting a full tune up this week. Plugs, wires, fuel fliter, belt, o2 sensor, AC charge. The x-fer case, & front/rear diff fluid change. Maybe one of these will fix it I don't really know.

Mods are a KKM intake, & Flowmaster cat back. Mods going on after all this are a bigger MAS & BBK TB.

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Ya know i had this same problem and it all of a sudden went away havent smelled it in months it seemed to happen after i took a long road trip it only lasted a few day maybe a week. The tune up would help i would think but then again im no mechanic

In my case the cause its me after a couple bowls of chili :fart:

The canister purge valve is most likely the cause, you can get one for about $25 at Napa or similar, easy to replace.
This little sucker purges the fumes from the charcoal canister back the fuel tank every so often (when the computer tells it too) when they go bad they stick and fumes dont go to the tank, instead strong smell of gas for you :)

You can serach for "canister purge"

Thanks 410. I'll check those things out.

BTW that B2 has come along way from what I remember it being 5 years ago. Looks great!


Had the same problem. Normally smells worse in the summer, due to the fuel expanding and fuming a lot more. But since you live in FL, it would do it all year.

Purge Solenoid. Changed mine, problem eliminated.

How do you get to the canister purge valve? It is buried under the intake manifold on my 94. I don't see a way to get it off without taking the whole upper intake off. I replaced the charcoal canister first. I think that fixed it. Not sure yet. But I bought the valve too. The old charcoal canister was all rattling around inside & reaked of gas.

410Fortune said:
The canister purge valve is most likely the cause, you can get one for about $25 at Napa or similar, easy to replace.
This little sucker purges the fumes from the charcoal canister back the fuel tank every so often (when the computer tells it too) when they go bad they stick and fumes dont go to the tank, instead strong smell of gas for you :)

You can serach for "canister purge"
You beat me to it 410 Fortune...well said :thumbsup:

The best way to get to that valve on a 94, you have to take the snow sheild off. (That's the crazy piece of plastic that covers your throttle cables at the throttle body. There is 1 vaccum line underneith the throttle body that needs to be disconnected, then you can disconnect the vaccum tube from the canister, then you should be able to gently pull the whole assembly out enough so you can disconnect the electrical connecter, and your done.

That's how mine went. don't go taking the upper intake off for that thing, it's not that hard. :)

Good Luck, let us know if that changes anything
