Wheel Spacers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wheel Spacers?


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November 30, 1999
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St. Louis, MO
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95 Sport
I recently added 31 BFG A/T ko's to my Explorer on my stock rims. I would like to make the tires stick out further without getting new rims. I saw some wheel spacers (by H&R) in Performance Products and was wondering if they are worth looking at. If anyone has them or has seen them I would like to hear their thoughts.


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I thought about getting those too, but they are about $250 I believe. You mightas well spend some more for rims that would take care of that,would look cooler, it would be safer and so on...


The problem with wheel spacers is that it causes the center of the wheel to be offset. This causes additional stress on the wheel bearings. An analogy that comes to mind is if you hold a broom handle in your hand parallel to the ground. Hold the middle of the handle. There isn't much pressure on your hand right? Now, grab the broom handle by the end. There is a lot more pressure on your hand. This dramatizes the effects of offsetting your wheels on your wheel bearings. Some will tell you that they offset their wheels with no ill effects and others will tell you their wheel bearings wore out quickly.

You need to make up your own mind but I wouldn’t do it.

Just my 2 cents.

[Edited by Cameron on 08-22-2000 at 07:20 AM]

Your bearings could fry!

Have you ever seen those dumb looking Hondas and such where the owners put rear wheel drive rims on so that they stick out far beyond the wheel wells? They think it looks cool, but it just looks dumb. The problem is the car is not designed to take those types of rims and eventually the bearings fry, and the wheel COULD COME OFF!!! Just as Cameron stated about the broom stick. I worked as a mechanic for 5 years and had to replace dozens of wheel bearing sets because of the owners putting the wrong rims on. We also told them to replace their rims immediately, or we wouldn't warranty the work, and also for their own safety. Don't use spacers, you would also NOT have enough stud to properly attach the wheel when using spacers, and I doubt you would want to go through the hassle of replacing 20 studs with longer ones.

Is there anyway to put stronger bearings on? I have no knowledge of this stuff. Just thought I would ask


You would need to redesign the spindle to bring the center of the bearings out to where they could evenly support the weight of the vehicle. In other words, you would need longer spindles, or an offset spindle.

First of all thanks for giving me all that information of wheel spacers. I am not longer even going to think of getting them. But my question now is, is there any way to make my wheels stand out further without the extra cost of new rims?


Nope, not unles you do what I mentioned in a previous post.

Well actually, you can install wider wheels and tires. That would make them stand out further but would also move the wheel further inside. The effects depend on how much wider you want to go. You will almost certainly loose wheel articulation. I have 31X10.5s on my truck and I have a stock suspension. I don't think you would want to go much wider then that stock. But if your not going to take your truck off road and you want to tighten up your suspension AND you don’t mind the occasional rubbing when you make sharp turns, then you can go fairly wide. I for one don't think the Explorers look good with a low import-style squatty stance but that’s what makes America great.

Just my .02

Low import-style squatty stance? What's that all about?

Adam, get some new rims, they are cheap....unless you want the expensive ones.

Originally posted by 2001ExpSport
Low import-style squatty stance? What's that all about?

What I was referring to was that look that’s so common with the imports (small sporty cars) where the springs are cut or replaced with shorter ones to lower the body. This makes the space between the tires and the wheel well almost non-existent. Hence, low import-style squatty stance. It's not meant to be derogatory. I think the look is kind of cool on some sports cars.

I didn't take it personally, just thought it was funny.
