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Wheel spacers


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December 11, 2004
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I have ordered a set of 22" wheels and am wondering if is possible to fit spacers behind the wheels to fill the arches out a little more ?

The tyres that will be going on are 295/35/22 but I still have massive arches to fill out properly for the menacing look....see pic.....

Are spacers available , safe , etc ?



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I have spacers on the rear only of mine. If you're going to get them, definately get billet spacers that incorporate their own studs. Those cheap ones you buy at stores just slip over the existing studs, and in turn shorten them so you have less to put a lug on...
(lost photos)

Personally I wouldn't run spacers on the front...you can play with offset on the wheels as well, what offset are you getting? I believe stock is 12mm...my current wheels are -6mm, which also brings them out some....even in the front.

Man, that looks sweet, that is the look that I am after but ideally all round and not just the rear, the wheels I have ordered have the same offset as the stock rims, however my stock tyres are only 265mm wide, the new ones are 295 and my new rims are 10" wide instead of the stock 8" it may look ok without spacers, I'll have to wait until they are fitted but your ride has the mean look I want. !

Nice Ex ;)

One more thing, I like those side steps you have, I guess they are only available in the US as I have never seen them here, do you know if they are the available for the 5 door model ?

I've seen them stock on the "5 door models" here too...the Eddie Bauer's got them. You should be able to just order them or get them off ebay or something.

You sure you can fit a 295 on the front? Seems iffy on with stock offset and a 10" wheel, but I dunno what guys have been fitting personally, cause I have no reason to go that wide, just higher. ;)

Now you're talking !!

Here's what I'm after ultimately, excuse the dodgy image, windows paint has it's limitations

before :- stock


After with the wheels and a little colour coding.


Opinions ?

They are the ones, they are called Vemiri Arnages, obviously they are superimposed in the pic from a BMW X5 so they might not be true to scale as a 22" will eventually look, but it ain't a million miles away

Nice job mate, thanks.

Damn I should have copyrighted my ideas ! ;)

Manchester is about 70 miles from York...so the way I drive about 40 minutes away :D

Spacers which have studs integrated will start around an inch thick.

Yes, don't buy cheap spacer plates. The way to tell them from good ones should be the price. You cannot buy good spacers for $15 a pair.

I have four good 1/4" spacers. They are made just for the Ford bolt pattern and are hubcentric with the proper size hub hole. I currently can only use them on the front of mine. I don't have enough threads to use them on the rear. I will eventually buy longer ARP studs.

Check the weight of the wheels, and tires. The extra weight will kill acceleration, braking, and gas mileage. Good luck,
