wheeling at Uwharrie, NC July 29 - 31 | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wheeling at Uwharrie, NC July 29 - 31

Getting my stuff together right now. Not too much to do, I should be getting out of here around 1:30 at the latest. If it is any sooner, Chad I will give you a holler :cool:

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I mean 12:30, not 1:30. I'm an hour behind myself.....

if any one is till here. Tell Everyone i am sorry. Nobody will work for me this weekend. I wish i could come. -TJ

i'll let them know i am gettting ready to roll out soon

yep, change of plans for me! :( im more pissed right now than i have ever been before in my life... supposed to go to louisville sunday about 4pm... well its supposed to rain mon-wed there... so we leave tonight so we dont have to tear down a damn crane in the rain. :'( sorry guys! im sure you guys are having a great time! post some pics when you get back so i can get even more mad and blow up the shop! haha

p.s. i HATE superior steel!!!

ExplorerJimbo said:
yep, change of plans for me! :( im more pissed right now than i have ever been before in my life... supposed to go to louisville sunday about 4pm... well its supposed to rain mon-wed there... so we leave tonight so we dont have to tear down a damn crane in the rain. :'( sorry guys! im sure you guys are having a great time! post some pics when you get back so i can get even more mad and blow up the shop! haha

p.s. i HATE superior steel!!!

Hahah me too. i hate lifeguarding. -TJ

You guys missed a great trip. The rest of the guys will be home tmw i believe... we got some good pics/video. Some stories: Zhanxs wife jumped his x out of a mudhole about 1-2 feet (front only :( ) , Limited X put his in a precarious situation (we almost had a new rollover posse member) , Ill let him tell you how he did it. But you guys really missed a good one. Maybe next time.

Yea and I lost everyone. I added a few more beauty scars and a broken CB mount(thats why I lost everyone) I talked to Caleb and it sounds like you guys had a great day! Hope we can do it again sometime. And I actually get to ride with yall.

i know chad and i wanna ride coal creek (windrock) soon... hmm!

Man I cannot believe the cool stuff I got from Uwharrie. I did not get this much stuff from Tellico! Two new beauty marks, another half fender flare, and on top of that, this sweet Uwharrie window which was installed this morning: (and the half flare :D )


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oh wow! i HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE work now... and to top it off ive been in a hotel room for hours haha.. :'(

oh yeah... and i heard someone almost decided to join the rollover posse club.... is this true ;)

ExplorerJimbo said:
oh yeah... and i heard someone almost decided to join the rollover posse club.... is this true ;)

Almost and I was scared....
Zhanx got it all on video, so hopefully we will be watching it soon :D Pictures say a thousand words, how many does a movie say?

id say... if most of the action is cought on film then it would be speechless... but pictures are wonderful to!

ive had mine on its side... and another time almost rolling down a 35ft incline! :eek:

I don't like it when gravity lets go :eek:
The thing I regret though is not having a camera to snap a drivers point-of-view picture :( That would have been neat!

haha yeah, was it nothing but blue sky?

do you have any other pictures to post?

we came home early since it was threatening to rain again. And it was only my and Zhanx and his wife. I got a few issues i didnt notice till i got home.. Bent leaf spring, and a busted hub assembly to go along with my minor denting.

Haha, no it was not sky I was seeing, it was Earth; watery, muddy, dark red/brown Earth.

And no, no more picures....I forgot to take my camera, but John got a bunch. When I left this afternoon, they said they were probably going to head back tonight, but they may have stayed tonight to do a little wheeling in the morning.

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haha... dont you just love those hub assemblies... ive put 3 on so far... im sure ill have another addition soon!
