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Whining Noise


New Member
January 14, 2003
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City, State
Knoxville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT 2WD
Hey all,

I am a newbie to the list. Just registered today. I have done some searching on what I am about to ask and found things close, but thought I would be more specific.

I have '96 XLT 2WD with 106,000 miles. A few days ago it started making this whining noise that seems to come from the middle to rear of the vehicle. It sounds like the whine you get when you put it in reverse or in first and then accelerate to approx. 10 mph only it is happening in drive now and it gets progressively louder as you accelerate. The whine last until approx. 40 mph at which time it kind of disappears. I don't think the whine goes away, it just gets drowned out with other noises (road noise, wind, tires, etc).

Any suggestions?


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It's probably the transmission. They all do it. For some reason, some are just louder than others. My friend's 2000 OHV with the 5R55E tranny is so loud that it's noticeable with the radio on low. I wouldn't worry about it.

Sounds like the Throw-Out bearing. Mine does the same thing. Been doing it for several months now. I've been told that as it gets worse it will get progressively louder and you will feel a "Crunch" when you step on the clutch pedal. Unfortunely the only way to replace it is to pull the transmission.

Thanks for the replys so far. I am planning on getting something new in about a year, should I consider trading sooner? I would prefer not to spend a ton of money on it and then sell it.

I am not very mechanically inclined, but I am learning on a 77 Bronco. Is there a way to rule out certain things with minimum costs?


Throw-out bearing to my knowledge is only in manual transmissions. You should check the differential on the rear-end and check to make sure the spider gears are ok. Change the fluid, and see if that helps at all. Someone on here had this whining problem and this fixed it. If it's in the tranny watch out! Get the fluid flushed completely if it hasn't been done.
