Will 5R55E from 2000 4.0 Mounty bolt into 1998 4.0 Explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will 5R55E from 2000 4.0 Mounty bolt into 1998 4.0 Explorer?


Well-Known Member
February 14, 2016
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mercury Mountaineer
The trans in my Mounty (332,477 milers) works well. No 2-3 flare. No reverse hesitation or weak backing up hills. Upshifts/downshifts good. I got the truck at 285,000 miles from orig owner. Don't know if trans is orig or not.

Have chance to get 1998 EB Explorer (202,000) miles. Pics online show an outstanding looking vehicle, in and out. Seller says vehicle was his sister's before she died. Says she was orig owner and meticulously maintained vehicle. Said it was garage kept.. Seller says he has maintenance records/receipts but doesn't know if he has all of them. He's asking $1500 and I'm inclined to buy it. Seller says vehicle upshifts/downshifts good,engagement no hesitation, no power loss in reverse.

But research on this site shows systemic trouble with the 1998 5R55E trans. So I'm wondering if the 5R55E trans in my Mounty will simply bolt into this 1998 Explorer without doing anything else. I wouldn't do the job but have a trusted local shop do it.

Thank you.

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Leave it. Mine finally went out at 380K miles due to a leaking servo. Could have just fixed the leaking servo but just replaced the whole trans. Some of the sensors were changed or eliminated year to year so you would have to visually check both trans to make sure they're compatible.

Leave it. Mine finally went out at 380K miles due to a leaking servo. Could have just fixed the leaking servo but just replaced the whole trans. Some of the sensors were changed or eliminated year to year so you would have to visually check both trans to make sure they're compatible.
Thanks Rick. What did you replace it with, new manufacture, reman, bone yard trans?

Reman is the way to go. All worn parts are replaced, not so on rebuilt. Worth the extra money.

Reman is the way to go. All worn parts are replaced, not so on rebuilt. Worth the extra money.
Which remanufacturer? What's the cost, or, what did you pay for it? Thanks.
