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finished? does any one ever finish?

finaly got it on the road :thumbsup:
92 explorer bad transmission free:D
91 edie bower ex for m5od trans $500 :(
dana 44 :D
ford 9in :D
3.50 gears :rolleyes:
limited slip in rear :D
m5od trans :D
push button transfercase:rolleyes:
31/10.50/r15 :p:
im in to it around $1200 so far :burnout:

pics comeing soon

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Short answer: No.

Gear heads will always find something that they can alter and/or improve upon.

your planning a SAS with 31's? :thumbdwn:

Nope, its never finished. I just did my 44/9" and now im changing the rear leafs/shock mounts, re making the front shock towers and lowers, looking to go hysteer, adding a locker upfront, disk brake rear, doubler t-case, cromo shafts...... I could go on for days.

no i compleated a sas with 31 s just using what i had laying around untell i get some 4.11 gears or better the 31s are gona have to do

any biger tires and i dont thint it would move with the 3.50 gears

hey snoboarder88 how much you got in to it? and what is your gas milage like? mine is around 10 to the gallon:thumbdwn:

hey snoboarder88 how much you got in to it? and what is your gas milage like? mine is around 10 to the gallon:thumbdwn:

You should get more than ten miles a gallon on 31s.....

i know
im thinking the thermastat not working might have something to do with it?also where i live is mostly hills

Yeah but with hills or not 350 and 31s is a fair gear ratio..... Im running 36s and 488 and i get 14 or so

here are some pics
it ended up 8.5 inches higher than stock:thumbsup:
tomaro im gona put in a new thermastat and check the spark plugs
any one got any other things i should check to get some more miles out of a gallon gass


here are some pics
it ended up 8.5 inches higher than stock:thumbsup:
tomaro im gona put in a new thermastat and check the spark plugs
any one got any other things i should check to get some more miles out of a gallon gass

Can't see the pics:dunno:

Mines trail only, so I dont know MPG.

And dont even consider 4.11's unless your keeping the 31's If you want 35's it should be atleast 4.88's if not 5.13's.

Without labor, ive got $1500 into mine including everything. With labor its arond 1700-2k.

:D explores are awesome cheep wheeling!:D thermastat helped. also adjusted the caster realy helped with the hi speed vibrations.55 to 65 mph they seem worse when im pushing the gass. any ideas? still trying to get some pics on here:eek: dial up is well dial up:(

hey snoboarder why you changing the rear springs ?

Holy hell, it sits just a tad higher than stock. Mine sits high on 36's. What coils did you use in front?

Im changing the rear suspension to flex better, longer springs is the easiest way to go, not sure if thats what I want to do though.


Mines trail only, so I dont know MPG.

And dont even consider 4.11's unless your keeping the 31's If you want 35's it should be atleast 4.88's if not 5.13's.

Without labor, ive got $1500 into mine including everything. With labor its arond 1700-2k.

Sorry to hijack this thread a bit here. Just a quick question on trail rigs. In my state (CT.) You can't own or keep a vehicle on your property unless it is registered and insured (unless you are a boneyard or dealer). Is my state the only state with this stupid regulation? I only ask because I someday would like to build a trail only rig and was wondering if I would need to keep it at a friend or family members house (out of state) for that reason.

it is 8.5 inches taller than stock:thumbsup:exporange
that is counting total lift tires and suspension
it looks low couse i kept the finder flares and running boards
didnt not want my wife to strugle to get in to it
i used all stack parts from the 79 f150
soon i will post more pics showing what is looks like underneth
in mo ther are no laws saying you have to have you car licensed to keep it:D
jiga20001 which state do you live in so i can make shure i never live there?

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