The definative '96 - '01 PATS, Fuel Pressure, Injector, and Wiring Harness Thread | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The definative '96 - '01 PATS, Fuel Pressure, Injector, and Wiring Harness Thread

No its not look back at that thread

That thread is about a 1998 Explorer 302, 1998 4R70W, 1998 PCM, and the matching 98 wiring harness.

The 98-01 wiring doesn't work with the 96-97 PCM's, as pointed out most recently in this thread. That owner of that 98 302 system cannot use it with a 96/97 computer, unless he uses a 96/97 wiring harness.

Whether there is only one 97 302 computer, that's another issue. I have not looked at the EGR wiring differences of the two types on the 302 Explorer. I would expect that the wiring is the same, as the diagrams and the computers are, by the books.

My Ford parts guy is the best, so don't insinuate he's wrong, without proof. Regards,

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That thread is about a 1998 Explorer 302, 1998 4R70W, 1998 PCM, and the matching 98 wiring harness.

The 98-01 wiring doesn't work with the 96-97 PCM's, as pointed out most recently in this thread. That owner of that 98 302 system cannot use it with a 96/97 computer, unless he uses a 96/97 wiring harness.

Whether there is only one 97 302 computer, that's another issue. I have not looked at the EGR wiring differences of the two types on the 302 Explorer. I would expect that the wiring is the same, as the diagrams and the computers are, by the books.

My Ford parts guy is the best, so don't insinuate he's wrong, without proof. Regards,

I have both pcms and the early 96/97 gt40 pcm wouldn't work with the external egr ,I tried

The pic with two is 96/97 gt40 internal egr ect , on top and a 98 I got from turdle, the second pic is the xdt2 in my v8 sport


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Give me the two part numbers from those if you would. I'll check them with my parts guy and see what they come up as, whether they are listed as being interchangeable with any other build date 97 302 Explorer. The parts references they use are not infallible we all know.

If there is a difference that affects how they work with the two EGR types, I may need to change what I have. I would prefer the internal EGR if they are equally reliable, to avoid the EGR pipe. My old Ranchero will definitely not get an external EGR, and if the special CHI 3V heads and intake have the EGR passages, I'll use them(with the 97 PCM).

Is this better lol


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