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2016 Platinum Late Production?

The appearance of the seat issue being the hold-up is right from the assembly plant and is not speculation.


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Peter, what kind of ETA are you getting from your representation?
None has been given. The problem isn't with Ford, it's their supplier (Lear).


Reprisal?? Ford, we are your clients. I might add that we have purchased one of your highest end products. No information, mis-information is not how you take care of your customers. I'm looking at competitive vehicles this week. I might walk away from Ford, as I'm afraid of what I might end up with; a great vehicle from a manufacturer with no value on customer service. I'm afraid of what happens when I do have a problem with the vehicle.

Do you really think its any better at another brand? The industry is so big that individual issues get lost. If it were me, I would be at the dealership I buy from and make some noise there. They know who to contact to get answers. If they can't come through, they have plenty of business and don't need yours. I would go someplace else.

Here's a thought

So I've been reading everyone's frustrations (including mine) on this board and I've got a thought I'd like to share.

Here is what we know. Communication is sorely lacking when it comes to factory orders. I can't say if Ford is better or worse than other brands (I'm betting worse) but there is very little we can change about their process by complaining about it on these forums.

Here is what we CAN do:

At the end of the day, the only thing that sways company policy is money.

I was proposed with the option to pre-order/factory order the Platinum. I refused. The reason why I refused is because of the lack of communication and because you are actually not guaranteed an earlier spot in line. There are several non-factory ordered Platinum's in Illinois currently sitting on dealer lots while folks who ordered their vehicles back in February are still waiting on their VIN #'s. That's pathetic. The Platinum is not a vehicle that is very customizable so I figured I would just wait for an exterior color that I wanted (Black or Gray) before pulling the trigger.

Here is what consumers can do to send a message to ford. Don't ever pre-order your vehicle. Unless you absolutely have to customize it and you know that your version of the vehicle will probably never end up on a lot. Just don't do it. There is NO advantage to it. Not only are you NOT getting your car earlier than the general public, you may wait much longer than everyone else.

Other than that, if you can't wait an extra 2-3 months after the launch of a new model, then you may want to look at purchasing. When asking a salesman when I could realistically receive the Platinum if I ordered it today, he said "honestly I don't know and don't care because I'm more interested in selling what is currently on the lot than a car that has not even been built." I appreciated his honesty. As someone in sales, I can tell you that I'm more concerned about something that I have right now than something that I may have a month from now. Salespeople are not putting much stock in "futures". They want to push what's on their lot TODAY. You will also get a better deal if you have the buying capability to drive off with the car today than 2, 3, 4, or 5 months later.

So with that said, I refuse to do a factory order unless I want a very unique trim that most dealerships will not order. Other than that, I'll just wait. And if waiting is not an option, off to the next brand I go.

Just got the word my Platinum is on the carrier in transit.

Congratulations on your new Platinum. Hope is deliver soon. I'll let you know as well when I get mine in the White Platinum Color .

Silence is deadly for me. Cancelled my order today for the Platinum. Not sure what I am going to do at this point. I will review my options.

Silence is deadly for me. Cancelled my order today for the Platinum. Not sure what I am going to do at this point. I will review my options.

The Sport is a pretty good option. I've sat in a couple and they are nice. In my case, I cancelled and went to the Expedition Platinum.

I'm definitely considering a Sport. I'm just not happy with the silence. I shouldn't be learning about these things from the forum. I can tell you for a fact that most dealerships don't know what's going on with this issue.

I get it that Ford isn't going to be getting on the phone with the dealerships every time there is a bolt out of place but when you have something like this which appears to be a significant delay, in a new launch, of a premier product, that many here have been waiting maaany months for (not myself fortunately), I think some better communication is warranted. Even it's to say "hang in there, we want to make sure everything is perfect, give us an extra month", whatever it is. But I guess that is the price for being a first adopter. I opted out.

Good for you Patsy. The way ford has handled this has been awful. They should be updating customers on a daily basis. I have a lot of respect for you and your decision. I may be doing the same. Still nothing from my rep(s). Sad.

Thanks onetimer. I appreciate that.

I'm bummed because I was looking forward to this new release. It just all of a sudden put a bad taste in my mouth. I also don't want to wait 2+ months which is what it's looking like from here IMO and it's more the "+" I'm worried about.


My dealer called me and cancelled my order for the Explorer Platinum. Said they could not get one until December or January.

So, to summarize what we know from this thread, the delay with production and delivery of the 2016 Ford Explorer Platinum is being caused by:

A problem with the Class III trailer-towing package

-- OR --

The appearance of the interior seat surface

-- OR --

Dealership allocation issues

-- OR --

A second-seat release mechanism malfunction

I hope someone from Ford Customer Service can offer some clarification.

With mine on hold until "October or probably later" reconfirmed by my dealer, I went to see and drive one in person today. I am trying to determine if it is worth the wait. Two were available today in Chicagoland - one white one ruby red, both 2nd row bucket no console. The salesman knew nothing about hold or delay and has had his for a week or so. I was unimpressed with the interior. I was looking for what may be the flaw and may of found two. The worse was the 2nd seat electric fold system. When you push the button, it is like releasing a big spring. First the seat back folds fast then Bang! the whole thing flings forward and slams into the front seat. Make sure your arms or hands are out of the way and that you folded the headrest out of the way. I was looking for kids to have an easy way to the 3rd seats with push button ease but not this sling shot. This has to be a flaw IMO. I keep hearing of problems with the leather so I looked hard. If I had to name a color, white is all that describes it IMO. Fingerprints were evident with 30 miles on the car. The perforations on white leather show thru to a dark background making it seem dirty if you know what I mean. The last complaint is that there seems to be a lot of black plastic throughout the interior. This is not too unusual but I expected a more luxurious look for Platinum. I know I'm being critical but I drove an Enclave (blasfmy on this forum ) earlier today and wife and I both thought the Buick more elegant inside. The ruby red exterior was superb and perpendicular parking and other electronics were fantastic. I am conflicted and will sleep on the decision a while.

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Its too bad you guys are getting to a level of frustration that results in cancellation of the order but in all honesty, they are going to sell every Platinum made in 2015 so Im sure the effect to the dealer will be minimal if at all.

I waited way too long for my 14 Sport and know how you feel but the reality is these vehicles are in huge demand, so much so the Plant can't produce enough to meet demand. They are running a Saturday shift to try and keep up.

The competition makes some worthwhile alternatives they just arent usually for the Explorer buyer. I love the 2015 Tahoe but to get an LTZ with some options your running $60K now.

For those that can wait, let the Platinum dust settle and then order a 17MY in March 2016
