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LA cops shoot old lady.

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We're all content to look the other way, and go along with the version of the story they feed us. Same thing happens in China and North Korea.


Better safe then sorry

Being that I'm a white male and Dorners black, I live on the east coast and him on the west coast, he drives a tan 2005 Nissan Titan and I a black 84 Bronco. I just could not ignore the striking similarities. So in my best interest, I thought it would be wise to err on the side of caution as in deer season.


Might want to add a bumper sticker or two as extra protection.


Kathy Merkosky, 53, was outside her stucco home pointing out the six bullet holes in the bumper and grill of her silver Acura MD-X. She knew her truck was damaged when she spotted it on television and "saw fluid flowing into the street."

Her Ford Focus was hit as well — a bullet shattered the windshield and another flattened a front tire.

"I've never heard gunfire on my street," Merkosky said. "Or ever in my life.... I hope they catch the guy so all this craziness will end."

Goo also was startled by the early-morning blasts.

"When I heard all the pop-pop-popping, I dropped to the ground, crawled around and pulled my wife out of the bed and I got on top of her," he said.

Goo said he could hear the bullets hitting the front door and feared they were coming through the house. He said he called 911 for the police, but was notified that they were already there.

(911 Operator: "Ahh yes sir the officers are on scene. In fact it's their bullets that are ripping through your home if that makes you feel any better. You see they are after a cop killer, civilians in their way are will be considered collateral damage..."):eek:

Wow, and the gov't thinks civs don't need guns? or magazines larger than 10 rounds
Obviously those 25 holes are from more than 10rnd magazines!
I will turn my larger than 10 round mags in once the govt enforces this on the military and police, this is ridiculous....

thumbs up to Anime! haha, love it

Better safe then sorry

Being that I'm a white male and Dorners black, I live on the east coast and him on the west coast, he drives a tan 2005 Nissan Titan and I a black 84 Bronco. I just could not ignore the striking similarities. So in my best interest, I thought it would be wise to err on the side of caution as in deer season.


Good idea. I might want to do the same. I am white, but I am also 6'2 with a similar build to him, and I drive a black 4 door Explorer, so I could easily be mistaken for him.

word has it Dorner just stole a white Dodge pick up in Big Bear

He has also fired on a road block shooting and injuring two officers. They have him possibly pinned down in a home in the big bear area where he is also believed to have committed a home invasion robbery as well.

Police seeking Dorner opened fire in a second case of mistaken identity

Torrance police say the man was driving a pickup resembling the fugitive's. The incident happened just after the LAPD fired on women delivering newspapers nearby.

David Perdue was on his way to sneak in some surfing before work Thursday morning when police flagged him down. They asked who he was and where he was headed, then sent him on his way.

Seconds later, Perdue's attorney said, a Torrance police cruiser slammed into his pickup and officers opened fire; none of the bullets struck Perdue.

His pickup, police later explained, matched the description of the one belonging to Christopher Jordan Dorner — the ex-cop who has evaded authorities after allegedly killing three and wounding two more. But the pickups were different makes and colors. And Perdue looks nothing like Dorner: He's several inches shorter and about a hundred pounds lighter. And Perdue is white; Dorner is black.

"I don't want to use the word buffoonery but it really is unbridled police lawlessness," said Robert Sheahen, Perdue's attorney. "These people need training and they need restraint."

A department spokesman said Saturday that the shooting is still under investigation. In a statement to The Times, the department said: "The circumstances of the incident known to the responding officers would have led a reasonable officer under normal circumstances — and these were far from normal circumstances — to believe that fellow officers were being shot at and that the vehicle traveling toward them posed a serious risk."

"In the split seconds available to them," the statement continued, "action was appropriate to intervene and stop the actions of the driver of that vehicle."

Interesting. A vehicle that doesn't match the description that isn't shooting at them led them to believe fellow officers were being shot at and the vehicle posed a serious risk, after fellow officers had just questioned the driver and let them go.

Sounds like they're just using the manhunt as an excuse for driving recklessly and causing a collision.

Tear gas being fired into cabin. Say goodby.

Update: Swat team enters cabin with all kinds of smoke coming out, dark colored smoke.

Only good that can come of this for me is that the LAPD will decide they need more shooting ranges to train officers to be a better shots and I can start working on the west coast instead of the east coast.

If he is in fact a Crispy Critter now and he's out of the picture for good. You can bet the attention is going to be on the conduct of how the LA cops came so close to killing so many people. They could have conceivably killed and wounded more people the Dorner by direct hit or all the stray bullets flying around the crime scene. And it should be a crime scene.

Only good that can come of this for me is that the LAPD will decide they need more shooting ranges to train officers to be a better shots and I can start working on the west coast instead of the east coast.

They're shooting range is actually a few miles from me;) Up Lower Tujunga Canyon. We use to play in there shooting range on the weekend as kids:D

I thought of leaving my Grey crew cab 150 at home for a few me

At this point, I think it's safe to say that you might as well leave everything at home.. just go out naked, no one is going to shoot at a naked guy. They might arrest ya, but they won't shoot ya ;)

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At this point, I think it's safe to say that you might as well leave everything at home.. just go out naked, no one is going to shoot at a naked guy. They might arrest ya, but they won't shoot ya ;)

Best idea EVER!
