Air will not come out through the vents | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Air will not come out through the vents


Well-Known Member
June 14, 2004
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Gadsden, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLS
about a week ago i started the X and the air would/will not come out the vents. It just comes out the defrost. No matter what setting its on be it A/C, vents, or floor it comes out the defrost. It just did this overnight. There were no signs leading up to this problem. The night before it worked on my way home from work, and the next day is when the problem started.

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Often vacuum actuators fail to actuate because oif vacuum line disconnects and or damage. Check this.

There is a 4" round globe thingy in the front passenger wheelwell,behind corner lamps.It has 2 hard vacuum lines attatched to it. Check that those lines haven't broken-disconnected
This is weird, I had a sluggish switching of vent, couldn't find.
I was relocating the vacuum reservoir (globe thingy), and found it half full of water.
Emptying (shaking repeatedly) fixed it.

My truck has never off roaded, I don't know how it got there

jtsmith said:
There is a 4" round globe thingy in the front passenger wheelwell,behind corner lamps.It has 2 hard vacuum lines attatched to it. Check that those lines haven't broken-disconnected

Thanks a lot man. thats exactly what it was. signed on about 10 min ago to check the responses, read that, went outside and had it fixed in less than a min. it has been really hot lately and riding with the windows down is just hot air coming in.

thanks again.

So what was the issue? the line was disconnected at the vacuum canister?

410Fortune said:
So what was the issue? the line was disconnected at the vacuum canister?


Straight vacuum will not give proper operation. This reservoir is needed.
You had a vacuum leak, which you've just found also. Your economy might just increase. score!!

I have the same problem and I do not know where to find canister, would you please guide me to find it?


There is a 4" round globe thingy in the front passenger wheelwell,behind corner lamps.It has 2 hard vacuum lines attatched to it. Check that those lines haven't broken-disconnected

It is a black plastic ball

thats right one line is damaged but I did not expect that this thin line could cause this big issue and unfort the line which is damaged is the one that going to the concule and I could not reach it to get it fix

Could anybody offer any additional information on how to locate the vacuum canister on a 97 Explorer (export to UK - RHD) have followed the useful info above but still no luck. Thanks in advance

There should be 2 hard vacuum lines going from the firewall, near the blower housing, to the engine area--one is grey, one black.
Follow the grey one to the vacuum reserve.

Just dig around in the engine compartment. You're looking for a black plastic "ball" that's about 4 or 5 inches across. It kind of looks like the old toilet tank floats! There should be two hard vacuum lines that are attached to it. Good luck!

They are well hidden, below the air cleaner(USA), under the metal inner fender, above the right plastic inner fender. Good luck,


  • Vacuum globe.JPG
    Vacuum globe.JPG
    79.6 KB · Views: 12,083

That is a good pic. They are in the same place on our UK (RHD) models.
You can get to it by unbolting the two small bolts at the front end of the plastic inner wing liner and pulling it down a bit.

It took me a while to find where to install it. I had my whole truck apart, and the ball was intact with my entire AC system. Most people don't realize that there is a volume of space there on both sides. The other side hides the horns, they are a pain to work on.

Thanks to all who have provided feedback and CDW6212R for the picture, will take a look later today and post the results.

Sorry for delay in feedback but I have only just had the chance to check the canister, both vacuum lines look fine with no breaks or splits, managed to release the canister but upon inspection found that it contains no water nor did it rattle, will assume for now that it is not the source of my problem. will now follow the lines within the cab and check connections to controls.

Any additional thoughts gratefully received. :)


I have the same problem on my 2001 Ranger XLT. There is no air that comes out of the vents or floor, only the defroster. I just got the truck a few months ago and it has A/C but it doesn't work either. I was going to just recharge the A/C but now that I saw you have the same problem and your A/C doesn't work, I decided I need to fix the vents first. I located the little ball thing and the grey hose is missing off of it. Where can I expect to find the grey hose?

Please help!


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Sorry for delay in feedback but I have only just had the chance to check the canister, both vacuum lines look fine with no breaks or splits, managed to release the canister but upon inspection found that it contains no water nor did it rattle, will assume for now that it is not the source of my problem. will now follow the lines within the cab and check connections to controls.

Any additional thoughts gratefully received. :)

I have a similar problem on my 97 XLT Explorer 4x4 w/ 3 knob A/C control. When using Max A/C and going up a hill, the vent shifts to defrost. I assume that I have a vacuum leak in the lines to the vent system somewhere. I checked the vacuum canister and the vacuum line from the engine manifold all the way to the connection behind the glove box with no problems noted. With the glove box door disconnected I noted that the recirculation door did not actuate with Max A/C selected (also while driving). Has there been a problem with leakage at the control unit?
