40"s? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
March 31, 2007
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East Wenatchee, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Eddie Bauer 4wd

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Not even close.

Here is a 40" next to my truck with ~6" lift with 35s...


Cleetis, you need to first understand why you're lifting your Explorer. You need to outline what type of trails you plan to run whether it be mud, rocks, or just general trail run. Once you have that, you can then start planning exactly what modifications you need to do to your vehicle. And BTW, 40" is too much for the stock drivetrain unless all you want is a show-off truck.

Cleetis, you need to first understand why you're lifting your Explorer. You need to outline what type of trails you plan to run whether it be mud, rocks, or just general trail run. Once you have that, you can then start planning exactly what modifications you need to do to your vehicle. And BTW, 40" is too much for the drivetrain unless all you want is a show-off truck.

I want a show truck, and I want to fit 40"s under there without doing a SAS. And money isn't a problem since I have 48 grand at my disposal. =) How can i fit 40"s under there without doing a SAS?

speaking of which, I just noticed it just says 14" of wheels travel. How much higher does it actually lift it?

I agree with Colin. For sure go with a SAS if you have 48k!

It's only a 5" lift.

Why not do a full width SAS if you have 48k to play with?

Because I was talking to my buddy who lifts everthing under the sun, and he said it would ride bumpy.

speaking of which, I just noticed it just says 14" of wheels travel. How much higher does it actually lift it?

Wheel travel is different than lift, wheel travel is how far the wheel/tire moves up and down.

Because I was talking to my buddy who lifts everthing under the sun, and he said it would ride bumpy.
Then you're friend hasnt done the calculations for the spring rates correctly.

Because I was talking to my buddy who lifts everthing under the sun, and he said it would ride bumpy.

It won't when you put coilovers on it and spring and valve them correctly. If you do that, it will ride better than yours does right now.

If you SAS it like this, then yes, it will be stiff.


A vehicle with a Solid Axle front -- winner of the 2005 Class 7S Baja 1000. Such a race demands for a plush suspension.


It won't when you put coilovers on it and spring and valve them correctly. If you do that, it will ride better than yours does right now.

If you SAS it like this, then yes, it will be stiff.

just a little

that j**p needs a rope ladder... it reminds me of a tree house.

did ur tree house blow over in a 10 mph wind also?

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dude just do it right make it a show truck and functional.....did you think about gears drive train....what motor are you going to put in it?probably going to need stronger axles blah blah.
