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Addco 633 fitment issues


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February 17, 2012
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1994 Explorer XLT 4-Dr
Tried installing a addco 633 rear sway bar on my 2003 sport Trac. I found it'll bolt to the axle, but will not fit past the shocks nor bolt to the links with it bolted to the axle. Any ideas on if it's just the bar or something else?

IMG_20230106_154547248.jpg IMG_20230106_160908743.jpg

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Never heard of that bar!

1" stock style rear upgrade. My guess is they bent this one wrong

I had slight fitment issues with my 633's trailing arms not lining up with the end link lower flanges. I'm using non stock end links (Moog K80268) because I'm lowered 3 inches in the rear to keep the sway bar's trailing arms parallel with the ground. End link offset appeared to be the same as stock, but are 2-1/2 inches shorter. IIRC, I had to slightly bend the end links to align. Are you having issues with shock or exhaust pipe interference?

Also trying to recall if the OE end links (Motorcraft 80788) were solid or hollow rods. Moog's were solid and could easily be bent. If hollow, bending may not be possible. You may want to contact Addco before attempting to modify your end links. Sway bar itself would be very difficult to adjust correctly without special tools. Keep posted and good luck.

I had slight fitment issues with my 633's trailing arms not lining up with the end link lower flanges. I'm using non stock end links (Moog K80268) because I'm lowered 3 inches in the rear to keep the sway bar's trailing arms parallel with the ground. End link offset appeared to be the same as stock, but are 2-1/2 inches shorter. IIRC, I had to slightly bend the end links to align. Are you having issues with shock or exhaust pipe interference?

Also trying to recall if the OE end links (Motorcraft 80788) were solid or hollow rods. Moog's were solid and could easily be bent. If hollow, bending may not be possible. You may want to contact Addco before attempting to modify your end links. Sway bar itself would be very difficult to adjust correctly without special tools. Keep posted and good luck.
No issues with anything but the shocks. Exhaust has been modified but it's nowhere close to the bar. I just need it to clear the shocks and it'd fit fine. It does have a 2" shackle lift, but that's not why the bar hits

Slightly shorter end links (K80139 in bottom pic) may give you enough shock clearance.

Just hate you see you order them to find they won't work. Any issues with the sway bar hitting the pumpkin?

Slightly shorter end links (K80139 in bottom pic) may give you enough shock clearance.

Just hate you see you order them to find they won't work. Any issues with the sway bar hitting the pumpkin?
Since they use the same bushings, I may just reuse poly bushings I have and get some junkyard links to experiment with, either ranger, explorer or f250. Thank you for the help

The junkyard didn't have any 2wd rangers or any superdutys with those links so just ordered some superduty ones off Rock auto. No sense in spending alot on them If they are getting the bushings pressed out anyways.

I also had my Addco 633 bar contact my aftermarket shocks when I was using the stock swaybar links. The Moog K80268 (F250) links solved the issue on my 2000 Sport. I pressed in the ES 4.5153 poly bushings for the Explorer without issue and I didn't need to bend anything. Granted this was all done at stock ride height (I ended up gaining more clearance after lowering), hopefully your shackle lift won't throw things off too much.

I also had my Addco 633 bar contact my aftermarket shocks when I was using the stock swaybar links. The Moog K80268 (F250) links solved the issue on my 2000 Sport. I pressed in the ES 4.5153 poly bushings for the Explorer without issue and I didn't need to bend anything. Granted this was all done at stock ride height (I ended up gaining more clearance after lowering), hopefully your shackle lift won't throw things off too much.
If anything it should put more clearance between the shock and the bar because of the distance being more between the mounting points

So I put in the shorter links, I had to slot the mounting brackets for the bushings quite a bit with a carbide Burr. I also had to bend one of the links inward. I really think this thing would fit piss poor on most any 2nd gen based vehicle. I'm not sure if it wasn't bent correctly or what but I'm really not pleased with the fitment. As far as the bar itself, it seems very stout. This is the most clearance I could get. If it was 1" or 1.5" wider, it'd require no modifying of anything. If one tried to bolt it up as is, it would quickly destroy the bushings and rub the shocks

Yeah that looks even tighter than mine fit. With stock links, the bar almost touched the shocks at ride height and did touch a little when driving.

With shorter links I had maybe 1/4" clearance:

The lowering blocks helped the most by lifting the bar relative to the shock -- over half an inch of clearance now:

I'm also wondering if your bar was bent too narrow -- I didn't have to modify anything with the links when I installed mine... must've been lucky. Your shocks aren't extra wide or anything, are they?

Yeah that looks even tighter than mine fit. With stock links, the bar almost touched the shocks at ride height and did touch a little when driving.

With shorter links I had maybe 1/4" clearance:
View attachment 438112

The lowering blocks helped the most by lifting the bar relative to the shock -- over half an inch of clearance now:
View attachment 438113

I'm also wondering if your bar was bent too narrow -- I didn't have to modify anything with the links when I installed mine... must've been lucky. Your shocks aren't extra wide or anything, are they?
They're 2" longer ranchos, same diameter as the stock ones and replacements. I may try bending it if I can find a way to do it.

I may try bending it if I can find a way to do it.
Not responsible for injury, but I'd hook one end around a tree/fence post and pull the other with a ratchet strap. Use safety chains in case something slips and wear eye protection!

Not responsible for injury, but I'd hook one end around a tree/fence post and pull the other with a ratchet strap. Use safety chains in case something slips and wear eye protection!
I'll figure out something if it doesn't work, just so silly it was bent too narrow

I'll say this much, It definitely feels like it corners on rails now. No complaints as far as handling

I'll say this much, It definitely feels like it corners on rails now. No complaints as far as handling
Did you get the Addco front bar too?

I tweaked the links some more (with a hammer) and it's about 1/2-3/4" clearance on each side.

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I did not. If it doesnt fit any better than this, I won't be.
I had no issues with my front bar, other than my tires rubbed after I moved up to 275-wides (that wasn't any fault of the bar though). My Sport corners harder than my Civic now.
