After 11 months My Explorer is out of garage!!!!! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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After 11 months My Explorer is out of garage!!!!!

Well thanks in no part to the two or so bullies here I started my mods last night on it and will unveil them sometime in the future. Thankjs for the kick in the pants!!

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I don't see any bullies. Kurt, look familier?:


  • baby buddha.jpg
    baby buddha.jpg
    13.1 KB · Views: 152

Now I wasn't bullying just reflecting on similar appearances....... see that baby looks just like Johnstone and probably you too. LOL:D

BTW: I edited the first post and added an old pic of my Ex stock next to a cabin we rented for 5 months

List of Mods:
1. remove pink splashy thingys
2. Done- post new pictures.


Just cause your sport came out of the garage(closet), doesn't have anything to do with me looking like a baby. ;)

Now it's up to you to decide if you will except the sport and it's gender bending as it is. Learn it, live it, love it!!!

Hey as long as it is an Explorer I could give a rats behind if its a he or she or IT for that matter.

Naw Jamie removing the pink stuff may not happen since I now know it sets you guys off. Makes that feminine side of your brain go haywire and you lash out uncontrollably just trying to fight it off. HEHEHE:D

So what you are trying to say is Jamie is opressing the feelings of being turned on by gender bending?

Originally posted by NOTAJP
So what you are trying to say is Jamie is opressing the feelings of being turned on by gender bending?

No I am saying Jamie, Kent and Johnstone are opressing their feminine sides, which is fighting to come out!!!:D

Originally posted by AlaskanJack
Now I wasn't bullying just reflecting on similar appearances....... see that baby looks just like Johnstone and probably you too. LOL:D
Hey I'm taller!

Dude, I'm just trying to help you bring up your son as a man. The foo foo stripes along with the bad boy sticker might confuse him. We wouldn't want him growing up wheeling a badass rig while wearing womens undergarments under his clothes. :D

OMFG.......that was the best line I have heard in a while!!!!!!!!!! Since you put it that way, the PINK is coming off!!!!!! :cool:

looks good jack... although i know your name isnt actually jack, but i forgot what it is at the moment....

hahahaha thats funny.

My older brother is gay, I am not. :)
I can show you pictures of my gf soon to be fiance if you would like, oh and my truck is a female so whats the big deal? She's a mean ***** too!!!

Originally posted by Johnstone
Hey I'm taller!

Dude, I'm just trying to help you bring up your son as a man. The foo foo stripes along with the bad boy sticker might confuse him. We wouldn't want him growing up wheeling a badass rig while wearing womens undergarments under his clothes. :D

To late, Kurt already wheels in lingerie. :D Educating his son to not follow his footsteps is an excellent idea...

Devil's advocate here...

"Sometimes I hope that my children grow up to be gay. That way I won't become a grandfather anytime soon."

Deep thoughts by Jack Handy

That's just wrong!

I'll take (gulp) grandchildren over a $@#$#% anyday!

Well if you look by my hand you can see what happens to a paint job when heavy winds come up and blow shingles at your hood. The top of the hood is worse.


Kurt has shingles now? :eek:

Wow Kurt, you are having the worst of luck.

New tail lights or just covers?

I'm curious - did you buy totally new tail lights, or are those just tail light covers?


AlaskanJack said:
Well it took long enough but just 30 minutes ago my 93 Explorer Sport rolled out of the garage under its own power. It was sure nice to hear that dual exhaust again. Now I just need to adjust the camber from adding the 2" lift coils while it was not running.

Course I don't know how different it looks from this pic on stock tires and no lift to the 2" lift and 32's.

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nice to see u got it running again...:chug:
