An Explorer worth checking out. Top notch fab work! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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An Explorer worth checking out. Top notch fab work!

... somewhere in the plains of sub-Saharan Africa, a rhino weeps for he knows he will not be eating tonight .. cgriffin did not come through... :(


I'll eat rhino steaks for sure!

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i saw that thanks Froader, full throttle fab is right down the street from me. They have a nice blue one i like there.

That guy should make a list of places he bought all of those parts. Those female rod ends with the shafts, and custom plumbing fittings are pretty nice. Why would he want to sell it after putting such time, and money into it? Maybe he wants to keep buying, and selling to make more projects for himself?

that truck is beautiful :eek:

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

That guy should make a list of places he bought all of those parts. Those female rod ends with the shafts, and custom plumbing fittings are pretty nice. Why would he want to sell it after putting such time, and money into it? Maybe he wants to keep buying, and selling to make more projects for himself?

It was built in a backyard...A local guy has top notch fab skillz and picks and chooses what he wants to do.

Ok the guy who owns this wants 30 grrr for it. Wow that is a hell of a deal IMHO, he has to have way more in to it than that!

Ok the guy who owns this wants 30 grrr for it. Wow that is a hell of a deal IMHO, he hast have way more in to it than that!
Thats a lot more than I'd pay cauz I'm a poor Senator :(

where would someone find the rear f/glass fenders like he has... ???

Are there any more pics of the rear setup? i'm wanting to do something like this.

Are there any more pics of the rear setup? i'm wanting to do something like this.
First page pretty much covers it all - trussed 9", outboard cantilever shock and inboard anti-sway bar.

could you possibly get some pics of the rear carlover?

so i found some more pics of the rear online


Wow... thats all i have to say.
