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AWD explorer as hot rod chassis...

subscribing im very interested in this

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Well , it's been a while since I posted about this so I thought I'd drop a note here.

The truck is coming along nicely, the bodywork was mocked up on the chassis for the first time a couple of days ago, and it's uncanny how well it fits on there. The biggest issue we've got is that the wheels are about 3/4 on both sides too narrow to fit between the bed side. To fix this for now I am going to buy some wheels spacers (which I don't like) and I'll eventually get some wheels with more front spacing to fix it properly. I was always planning on getting some wheel vintiques 12 series smoothies eventually so it's not a big deal.

Aside from that, it looks like the explorer chassis was made for the job, one of the chassis mount almost perfectly lines up with the body mounts on the 51 cab !
An added bonus is that I won't have to go to a four link and bags just yet, because the bed sits so nicely I'll be able to keep the leaf springs and still have a ride height of around 6 inches. And thats with still having the cab set low enough to lay the running boards once I do go with bags.
We aren't even going to have to channel the cab onto the frame because there isn't any need, a new firewall and trans hump and it'll be good.

I don't have any more pictures as yet, it was dark when I was up there, but I'll grab some soon. I hope to have the truck back at home by the middle of June (when I get back from a 2 week vacation in Australia) to start getting it operational again, fitting brakes, wiring harness, one piece window kit etc.

It's getting exciting !

Awesome, thanks for the update on your progress! Can't wait to see some new pics!

Thanks Moab, I'm now about 3 pages into reading about your body off resto on your B2 (at work and plenty of time).
Ratstang appears to be very thorough, I am impressed.
I am also checking out those Duff body mounts, I hate the stock Ford ones and several people have recommended replacing them...

I'll post some pictures as soon as I have some ! It was killing me it was so dark, I want at least some good mocked up shots to show the relatives back home when I am over there, so far they think I am nvts.

Great to hear! Can't wait to see pics.

OK, finally got some time to go over to Bens place and help drop the cab over the chassis and get it moving.

I took these shots when we first dropped it on, before we even cut anything, sits pretty good all on it's own.
Once we cut the firewall and some floor out a little it dropped down the last 5 - 6 inches. But by then it was too dark for decent pictures, and we were out of time.

The cab also moved forward another 5 inches after the shots were taken, putting the 5.0 right on the firewall. We're building a complete new firewall with some bead roll in it and using the trans tunnel from the Explorer, so that and some body mounts will be next.

OK, so I went back and did some more work, signed off on the final cab mount position and test fitted the running boards.
It looks great and the fit is amazing.

I am off to Australia for two weeks now so progress will continue on the bodywork and it should be really close to ready for me to bring home when I get back.

Right now the bottom of the running boards sit at 10" off the ground, but the suspension is still topped out even with the cab and bed on, so I will tracking down some lighter torsion bars (will ranger ones fit ?) as well as doing a torsion twist or whatever. Everything fitted so well I feel no need to do the bags until it's closer to finished.
I figure once it squats on the suspension I'll get 6" ride height.
Check it out.

Engine fits awesome, note Expo rad shroud still intact - even the engine fan fitted ! No custom oil lines or anything required.

Still a long way to go, but there is a real sense of achievement now. More pics in the link in my Sig.

Good progress, keep playing with the ride height before thinking about different springs. You can adjust the torsion bar bolts to change a few inches. Since you are going down, remove both of the adjusters, then reinstall the one on the low side. One side of the front frame(lower control arm bolt) will be lower than the other. Install the adjuster bolt in that side, and level the suspension. If the height is still too low, assuming that it's near where you want it, then buy lowering adjustment keys. I received a pair last month from a Total Performance, for about $90. Be sure to specify lowering, they sell more lifting keys. Surely that all will get you near what you want for the front. In the back I hope that you made more room for the diff. housing to come up into the chassis(frame). Or I hope that you could, the 91-01 Explorers could use another 3-4" of lowering room, the frame is just above the diff. housing on both sides. Regards,

Good advice CDW. Thats exactly what we're doing.
As it stands the back is still topped out also, and shows 7 " between the bump stops and the housing, so I think we'll be fine there, we're also leaving plenty of room for the diff center.

I mainly wanted the lighter torsion bars to reduce the spring rate, this truck will handle like a skate board with these in it, but it'll be fine for now.

I'll also be buying the thinner bump stops from Explorer Express once I bag it,for that last little bit when dumped down.

You list you have force 10 calipers ? Tell me more about those, is it an upgrade kit ?


Being in Georgia, I am definitely going to keep the AC, the hardest part will be finding a spot to but the core inside the cab - I am even trying to keep the electronic climate control and all the vacuum actuation. What I will most likely end up doing is making a fiberglass box for the heater and AC core and then using the stock flapper doors from the original Expo stuff. The controls will be hidden so as not to ruin the 50's look of the interior - think an electric drop down console with the Mach stereo and AC control on it - probably powered by the old sunroof circuit on the wiring loom and using an after market actuator. The idea is to have it come down out of the bottom of the dash when a switch is pushed.

I am also keeping the stock Limited electric buckets with all their niceties, but without the headrests and re bolstered and re-trimmed to look old style. I will probably extend the passengers one over slightly to make it more like a split bench setup.

The engine and trans are stock 120,000 milers for now, but I will freshen the trans up before I go too much further, and there are plenty of mods planned. I want to put a set of TM headers on it before I get it painted so I don't have to work around too much.
There is a ways to go yet. I figure on getting the basics done so I can test drive it, and then working on the finer details. It should be pretty fast with the smaller wheels (it's like putting 4.10 gears in it) and weighing about 3000 lbs or less.
Then there is the waits quietly in the corner.

You done much to your Mounty Xan ? And MoutnaineerGreen, I have friends in Arkansas, so maybe I'll drive it out for you to check out some time.

Sounds very good. Try to keep as much of the entire wiring harness as posible, everything is of course tied together. The dash harness is fairly compact, and all of the relays and controls are in it, the memory seat needs a signal from the GEM module.
I've got custom brakes on my truck, they are designed for the 4WD/AQWD front spindles. The Force 10 calipers are an SSBC upgrade part for 65-82 Corvettes. I used 65-82 calipers because they are the closest thing to the stock caliper volume.


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MoutnaineerGreen, I have friends in Arkansas, so maybe I'll drive it out for you to check out some time.

I'd love to see it- my father in law would enjoy it too, he is building a 52 Chevy truck, but grafted a Camero front suspension on the original frame. Personally, I think an old body on a modern drivetrain is much better. :thumbsup:

Being in Georgia, I am definitely going to keep the AC
That's cool, i don't run AC on the cars but i live in NE it gets hot here but i can handle it. plus i like not having the drag on engine :D . Don't be afraid to ask for ideas on the stereo and climate part i've done quite a few custom sterio installs.

I am also keeping the stock Limited electric buckets with all their niceties, but without the headrests and re bolstered and re-trimmed to look old style. I will probably extend the passengers one over slightly to make it more like a split bench setup.
Hmm actually adding buckets is like a huge upgrade to most any old car/truck cars that came factory with them are worth allot more its always nice to have them cause they keep your butt in place while driving, you could make a center console and hide your stereo and stuff in it. my mounty seats don't got headrest haha

The engine and trans are stock 120,000 milers for now, but I will freshen the trans up before I go too much further, and there are plenty of mods planned. I want to put a set of TM headers on it before I get it painted so I don't have to work around too much.
There is a ways to go yet. I figure on getting the basics done so I can test drive it, and then working on the finer details. It should be pretty fast with the smaller wheels (it's like putting 4.10 gears in it) and weighing about 3000 lbs or less.
Then there is the waits quietly in the corner.
Well if you're gonna do light mods to the engine it should be ok for another 70-80k depending on how you drive but with the turbo... you better pull that thing out already haha umm i'd say you should get headers soon before you get your firewall and steering positioned headers always make things more fun to work on

You done much to your Mounty Xan ? And MoutnaineerGreen, I have friends in Arkansas, so maybe I'll drive it out for you to check out some time.
i haven't done a whole lot to my mounty really because its my daily driver and i depend on it to get around and to pull the boat and jetski to the lake :D i got a 83 t-bird that i'm going all out on right now custom hood, spoiler, interior, rebuilt engine, and custom stereo

Sorry I've been quiet for a bit.

The truck is progressing nicely now, the body is all mounted up on the frame, brackets made radiator shroud adapted and in position and the front clip is on in the final position.

Now is the boring part. It's still at the sheet metal guys place until I finish paying

Once I get it home I can really hook into it.
I'll post some updated pictures tomorrow.


What he said...

That looks so cool.. I wish I had the time and money to do something like that...
Keep the pictures coming!

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