axle/leaf location = lift?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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axle/leaf location = lift??


November 12, 2007
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1993 XLT
was talking to a co-worker the other day who had in the past owned a 1st gen explorer with a lift. He told me that he had switched the axle from under the leafs to above the leafs, and this gave him almost a 3 inch lift.
Is this something that people do for a cheap lift?

I would normally trust him on these things but figured I would ask anyway.
He does have good credentials as far as why i could believe him....he was in a 4wd club for years and had multiple different trucks and jeeps.

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. a search on here for soa, a.k.a., spring over's more like a 6" lift and it is not all that easy to do plus you have to lift the front end too...:D

...btw, here are a couple pics to compare too...:D



You said he went from axle under to axle over, but it's the other way around. Your explorer is already axle over the leafs.

Wake up mounty

Edit:...sorry for that post...i thought you were out to try and correct me again...sorry, reflex action...:D

yes i did confuse myself when i was
But I'll do some more searching because 6 inches is a lot more than what i want.
I really only want to do about 2-3 all around. And i dont wanna burn a hole in the wallet either.

btw thanks for the pics

ahh thanks for the great link....I might have to consider this. Seems like a good way to lift my truck on a budget.:thumbsup:

i just made some custom shackles from a guys blueprints they were 10 3/4 inch's long how high is that gona lift my explorer up? and where can i get f 150 coil seats?

...remember, the search button is our friend...:D

i just made some custom shackles from a guys blueprints they were 10 3/4 inch's long how high is that gona lift my explorer up?
Those are pretty big.

Stock shackles are 5.5 eye to eye. Warrior shackles are 8.5" long eye to eye and give you ~1.5" of lift.

So, 10.75 - 5.5 = 5.25 / 2 = 2.625

Roughly 2.625" of lift with your shackles, if your measurement is eye to eye.

And you'll need to shim the pinion back down after the shackles are down. Prob a 4* shim but dont quote me.

Do a body lift. You'll be much happier in the end.
