Big Bear Run June 24th - 26th | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Big Bear Run June 24th - 26th

true but right now I have no money in my front axle so I might as well do it right the first time.

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BKennedy said:
I might go that route in a year or two, but for now, I'm happy with the way my Explorer performs trailwise. I have done some of the hardest trails around without too many problems.
That's how I felt about my last explorer.

Well some how my wheel bearings came loose and took out a hub so no 4wd :( I also had to get some new wheel bearings so I can drive it for a little longer till I do the solid axle swap. If I make it I will be riding shotgun with someone, or I will start my SAS that weekend. Decisions decisions.

RockRanger said:
true but right now I have no money in my front axle so I might as well do it right the first time.

Oh, if I was starting from scratch, like you are, there is no way I would even think of trying to keep this TTB, but now that I have spent several thousand making it work okay, I'm not changing it for awhile.

And I would feel lucky to have a TTB that I could build up...

I'm not gonna make Big Bear. Too much going on, Try'n to finish the Ranger, Havn't touched my truck (exsept comuteing and fixing the window) sense calico. Sliders arn't done, and I'm 90% sure I have a broken motor mount :rolleyes: On top of it I'm not sure if Arus will work over the summer, so I got to really start watch'n $$$ or End of Summer Run will be a bust too. :(

That's too bad Stic-o :thumbdwn: We'll just have to plan another Big Bear trip this summer :D

It's a good thing we chose the date we did for this months BB run because this weekend is gonna be packed with early Bronco's...Big Bear Bronco Bash I believe it's called and next weekend is Inland Empire 4wheelers Forest Fest.
I hope all the "Most Difficult" trails aren't paved after all those runs. :rolleyes:

DB_1 said:
That's too bad Stic-o :thumbdwn: We'll just have to plan another Big Bear trip this summer :D

It's a good thing we chose the date we did for this months BB run because this weekend is gonna be packed with early Bronco's...Big Bear Bronco Bash I believe it's called and next weekend is Inland Empire 4wheelers Forest Fest.
I hope all the "Most Difficult" trails aren't paved after all those runs. :rolleyes:

Yeah as fast as I can get the Ranger done, I can get back to work'n on my truck.

Hey Dave any word on a price or time frame on the axel? :D

Looks like a cool trail. Jefe, who are the other trucks with you and John?

There is no way I am making this run in my truck. My wheelbearings took a crap on me and I didnt catch it in time. It ended up taking atleast one spindle with it and both knuckles are ruined. Tommorow I start stripping the front end to do the SAS. Monday I have to order my gears and front lockers and some other parts that I need. I will probably be setting up the gears the weekend of this run and hopefully being able to get it driveable soon after.

Stic-o said:
Hey Dave any word on a price or time frame on the axel? :D

Not as of yet Steve, There's still a few runs i'd like to do over the summer before I even think about tearing into my truck again. I didn't get to wheel to much last year for one reason or another so now i'm making up for it :D

DB_1 said:
Not as of yet Steve, There's still a few runs i'd like to do over the summer before I even think about tearing into my truck again. I didn't get to wheel to much last year for one reason or another so now i'm making up for it :D

Take your time my friend ;)

This thread is slowing down and it's getting closer to the next Big Bear run so who's in and who's out for this one?
Any suggestions for trails to run?...I'm sure we'll do the usual John Bull and Holcolm creek trails. If I remember correctly, White mtn. had some challenging hill climbs and Jobunn had suggested a trail awhile back.

I am in along with my brothers. Looking forward to it a lot too...been working too much. Those trails sound good, and if Dishpan is open we could try that along with driving over to the Silverwood Lake area trails. There's also one I've never tried called "Heartbreak" or something like that which is nearby. Its on the map as a challenging trail so may be worth it.

I'm pretty sure I'm out. Haven't even called around yet to see what prices are like for a set of custom length alloy axles. :eek: Once I decide who to go with I'm sure it'll be a couple weeks before I see them. I soppose I should get on that though since the Rubicon is only a month away.

Yeah, I saw that on the map jobunn and was curious to check that out too.

bummer you can't make it but those alloy shafts will be worth it. I think there's only one mfg. to consider...Superior,through hardened and rolled splines. But that's just my opinion :D

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DB_1 said:
This thread is slowing down and it's getting closer to the next Big Bear run so who's in and who's out for this one?
Heh, I was just going to post that. I am in. I called Tom the other day, he is in but probably for a day and a half.
I plan to get there early Sat morn. Anyone staying over Friday nite? I don't know where the campsite is.
