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Central texas meet and run

As far as I know, Im still in.

Still a toss up between which truck to take...Blue or Shade. MOST likely Shade since still dont have TCC lockup in Blue. But we need a limited there anyway to even things out :p:

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Still planning on coming. I plan on taking the Dodge on those 4wd trails. I really want to see how well or how badly it does.

Hopefully somebody will be ready with a winch for when things get a little off camber. :roll:

I have a big list of things I want to get for this trip and there is so little time. :D

Still planning on coming. I plan on taking the Dodge on those 4wd trails. I really want to see how well or how badly it does.

Hopefully somebody will be ready with a winch for when things get a little off camber. :roll:

I have a big list of things I want to get for this trip and there is so little time. :D

Great!!! Most of the 4wd drive trails at city lake can be done in your p/u, as long as it hasn't rained and turned into muck, winches will be there, we tested easymc's in NM, and it works fine!!!! :D

Shade isn't going to incur any scratches, is he?! Shade is too pretty for that :p:

Shade isn't going to incur any scratches, is he?! Shade is too pretty for that :p:

There are a few spots that brush can scrape the rig, but these can be bypassed.

There are a few spots that brush can scrape the rig, but these can be bypassed.

Well mike, I know you will get out and hold the brush for me as I pass through :D


Well looks like I can't make it. We won't be getting back into Texas until the 7th.

Next time for sure!

Well mike, I know you will get out and hold the brush for me as I pass through :D

YOu got it Russell!!!

Well looks like I can't make it. We won't be getting back into Texas until the 7th.

Next time for sure!

Damn sorry to hear that, next one is already on the drawing board!!!

Looks like the Mounty will make it there with its 4406 installed.. :D

Wow that looks like a neat place! i would love to attend, but for my birthday (the 5th) i'm getting lazer eye surgery, and you have to prepare a bunch, but if i can make it i'll definitly reply back as soon as i know!

Wow that looks like a neat place! i would love to attend, but for my birthday (the 5th) i'm getting lazer eye surgery, and you have to prepare a bunch, but if i can make it i'll definitly reply back as soon as i know!

Great!! Hope you can make it and we can help you drink a few for your birthday!!! Good Luck on the eye surgery.
Hope to see you at the meet!!!!

Okay! the surgery isnt 'till the 12th, so i can make the meet! Also i would like to go behind someone willing to tow me out if i get stuck. :p:

Okay! the surgery isnt 'till the 12th, so i can make the meet! Also i would like to go behind someone willing to tow me out if i get stuck. :p:

Great!!! We all are willing to tow each other out!!!! :D

Im Excited.. Just gotta get the front Drive shaft in and the Mounty should be ready to go on Sunday.

Bro and I got to do a partial road recon today, we covered appx 1/4 to 1/3rd of the route and it was 33.9 miles. Found a few stopping points, the first leg of the route is gonna be on some straight as an arrow unimproved roads to crooked as a dogs hind leg.

pretty much standard in this pic (except I hope the driver does not have blurry vision!)


Dust clouds. if no wind these are gonna hang, so spacing out the rigs is a must.


The downstream of the water crossing, bone dry, but there might be a chance of doing a little 4 wheel action in the creek bed.


Forgot to add to the prior post:

Mapquest has been updated and now shows the proper location of Robert's house, he checked it today.
Mapquest still shows me as living in the woods with no roads.:D

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Since i was fired from my museum job, that means i can stay Sunday as well and help with any electrical that the rigs there may require. As always, ill have my alldata comp and my obd 2 scanning computer.
