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Christopher Walken 2008

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I'd vote for him... well, after finding out if he wants to let me keep my gun or not... LOL.

Kinda hard to say if I'd vote for him or not. His site doesn't cover very many issues, it only covers two or three issues, but those issues I agree on.

We'll see. I wonder what side of the fence he is on... Dem or Rep, or......?

That guy is freaky, no way I would vote for him. Besides that there is no way in hell I would vote for any actor.

funniest man alive

I'd vote for him, only out of fear. I've heard things about him taking a soldering iron to those who cross him... :D

imagine how funny every speech he made would be

politician - Actor, same thing...

Rick said:
That guy is freaky, no way I would vote for him. Besides that there is no way in hell I would vote for any actor.
Gotta remember we've had actors in politics before, I'd like to drop the name Ronald Reagan... LOL. But yeah, apparently Christopher Walken isnt actually running for president.

I need more cowbell!

Lt.Jim said:
I need more cowbell!
Because I've got the fever... and the only cure... is more cowbell!

mattadams said:
Gotta remember we've had actors in politics before, I'd like to drop the name Ronald Reagan... LOL. But yeah, apparently Christopher Walken isnt actually running for president.

Yep, Good 'ole Ronnie. He played his part very well... "Just say no"... "The War on Drugs" which he is responsible for naming is still no closer to being won 25 years after he was in office. And the real kicker is that he let the murder of 300 Marines in Lebanon go unavenged. Now Hezbollah the group who blew up our Marines barracks is in control of Lebanon... Some say his letting them off the hook 20 years ago is what led to terror groups like Hezbollah and al Qaeda gaining so much influence and power in the region. I mean really... Hezbollah is reacting faster to the destruction of Lebanon by placing $10,000 cash in every "victims" hand than FEMA did to the destruction of the Southern USA.:eek:

Then there was Sonny Bono, Fred (Gopher) Grandy, Ahhnold, etc... Great politicians all of them:rolleyes:

Californians were initially so enthralled with Arnold that they wanted to change our constitution so he could run for freakin' president. Now after a few short years in office they can't get rid of him soon enough :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'll take a regular no name candidate over someone who is professionally trained to sway the publics emotions and sympathies.

oh Rick, you have something bad to say about everything, even sausages :).
One could argue that as a politicians career goes on, he becomes a better actor... as an actors career goes on, he becomes a better politician... LOL.
Now, I heard Ben Affleck was thinking of running for congress. Seeing as how I have the ultimate hatred for Ben Affleck, I think I would vote for Hillary before voting for him.

I'm with you on that one. Ben Affleck is a tool:(

"Vote for me or ill stab you in the face with a soldering iron."

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AdamCKach said:
I've heard things about him taking a soldering iron to those who cross him...

james t said:
"Vote for me or ill stab you in the face with a soldering iron."

Gurt B. Frobe, baby. Awesome.
