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Considering a Gen IV Explorer


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
Year, Model & Trim Level
My daughter's 2000 Mountaineer 5.0L RWD is getting a bit long in the tooth and she's indicated she'd like to get something newer within the next year or so. She's thinking another SUV so I'm thinking a 2007-2009 Explorer (Cut me, do I not bleed Ford blue?). RWD is fine for where we live. My questions are more related to the drive train. I don't know anything about the 4.6L V8, but I know I don't want a SOHC 4.0L V6 (never again for that lousy engine!).

I currently repair and maintain all our Gen II Explorers/Mountaineers and after 6 years have become very familiar with working on them. I find the V8's to be extremely reliable, generally easy to work on and the parts are reasonably inexpensive.

What I'd like to know from you guys is what your opinions/experiences have been with the Gen IV's.


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The 3 valve 4.6 with 6spd trans is a sweet combo. Very comfi ride and will hall ass when needed. I've had 91/93 and 99 all with v6. My current 4th gen has everything that the first 2 gens didn't and I am in no hurry to get rid of it. Still puts a smile on my face when I put my boot in it.
Since you do your own maintenance, there won't be many things you can't handle. Spark plugs where a big problem up to mid 08, exhaust manifold studs breaking also a big headache for most 06 to 10?? Bump stop on the 6spd was a problem but usually corrected with new trans programming. Other than that, mostly normal maintenance.
So take one for a test drive. I think you will really enjoy it.
One last thing, if you are looking for good gas mileage, buy a civic.

The 3 valve 4.6 with 6spd trans is a sweet combo. Very comfi ride and will hall ass when needed. I've had 91/93 and 99 all with v6. My current 4th gen has everything that the first 2 gens didn't and I am in no hurry to get rid of it. Still puts a smile on my face when I put my boot in it.
Since you do your own maintenance, there won't be many things you can't handle. Spark plugs where a big problem up to mid 08, exhaust manifold studs breaking also a big headache for most 06 to 10?? Bump stop on the 6spd was a problem but usually corrected with new trans programming. Other than that, mostly normal maintenance.
So take one for a test drive. I think you will really enjoy it.
One last thing, if you are looking for good gas mileage, buy a civic.

Ha, I'm not concerned about the MPG.

I'd say go for it. I had a 2008 EB and now a 2010 EB. Both with the 4.6 V8. The bump-stop with the trans was never fixed, as far as I'm concerned. The 2008 had the 6R60 trans, and the 2010 has the 6R80 which was supposed to fix the bump-stop, which it did not. Both were re-programmed by a dealer but it didn't help. But you just get used to it. I've put around 120,000 miles between both and so far no major issues.

The 2008 had a leaky radiator (fixed under warranty), and both cars needed front hubs (they are notorious for going bad). Other than that, just maintenance. I would recommend it!

Ha, I'm not concerned about the MPG
Didn't think so. Pushrod 302 2nd gens where never known as mileage queens. lol

Enjoy your search. Lots of good peeps in this forum for any ???

We got one weeks ago and there is a current thread on it with question. In a nut shell I'd go for an 2009 as we did and out was a LTD sweat AWD.They only come with the 4.6L V8 (stay away from the V6's)

My daughter's 2000 Mountaineer 5.0L RWD is getting a bit long in the tooth and she's indicated she'd like to get something newer within the next year or so. She's thinking another SUV so I'm thinking a 2007-2009 Explorer (Cut me, do I not bleed Ford blue?). RWD is fine for where we live. My questions are more related to the drive train. I don't know anything about the 4.6L V8, but I know I don't want a SOHC 4.0L V6 (never again for that lousy engine!).

I currently repair and maintain all our Gen II Explorers/Mountaineers and after 6 years have become very familiar with working on them. I find the V8's to be extremely reliable, generally easy to work on and the parts are reasonably inexpensive.

What I'd like to know from you guys is what your opinions/experiences have been with the Gen IV's.

Yeah go for it, the 4th gen has been very good to me and my family, this thing can tow and go with the v8, 6sp trans.

My 08 Limited with the 4.6 3V has 157k miles and it runs like new! Its not Mustang fast but it gets up and goes pretty good. I have the bump everyone else is talking about when coming to a stop in the transmission. Had the dealer do the reflash and it still does it, though, not all the time. And yes don't expect to get good mileage lol In the winter I average around 14-14.5 and summer around 15.5-16mpg. I LOVE my explorer and don't plan to trade it off anytime soon! Good luck with your find!

In defense of my 07 Explorer 4.0 V6: It runs, drives like brand new. Never had any issues with it. The gas mileage is 18.5 mpg's, which means it gets over 400 miles to a tank. Towing capacity is 5000lbs

Not to shame all over the V6 but I never understood why it was even an option. Lacks serious power, unless you enjoy waiting and mpg is basically no different... or worse than the V8 option. Drivetrain loss is nearly 28% through the 6R60 4WD... just let that sink in a moment.

I love my 3 valver, makes a good noise and a custom tune makes it that much more fun to drive.

Try to catch one with an engine build date after about Nov 2007 to avoid plug issues. An easy way to tell is if it has brown coil boots your good to go.

I resolved my bump stop issue by resetting the KAM (keep alive memory) with my SCT x4 tuner... let it swap gears around a few times and drive easy for a while. Then you should be alright. I had the K&N but that only seem to make it more pronounced and I couldn't get it to go away at all. Needless to say, it now resides in a box.

I know this is the stock forum... however, with my 91 tune and 3" gibson system (stock everything else) my MPG readout is 16.8 (city/hwy mixed) and if your on the highway then its slightly better around 18. Butter smooth shifting with a well maintained machine.

Get an 08 or newer. 06-07 have retarded interior door handles. Leaky radiators are a problem, but more of a nuisance. Don't really need to change them if you don't mind topping off every few weeks;). I'm about to do mine again. I had a PCM go bad on mine, but that is a rare issue. The spark plug thing isn't a big deal. I had no problems removing my originals and put in the newer 1 piece ones. Otherwise it's been pretty darn reliable. I've got 162K on mine. I'm planning on keeping it a few more years.

Any other way to put it into transmission learning other than a battery disconnect??
eg Working the gas pedal up/down and/or key on only etc as some other vehicles do for resets. I don't want to reset the emission setting as its winter and takes summer to all come ready if a test is required.

Maybe it still learns as is over a longer period of new drivers habits.

there seems to be more problems with the v8 than the v6 listed on here. don't be shy away from a v6 if it's in good shape. I have a 2008 so far no problems

there seems to be more problems with the v8 than the v6 listed on here. don't be shy away from a v6 if it's in good shape. I have a 2008 so far no problems


I never say the benefit. Box to short and small for much. A Sport 2dr we have worked out well and still running strong. A few minor things to be fixed but reliable as we changed the oil often.

4.0L engines can be trouble for those who push their oil changes into higher millage for one.

there seems to be more problems with the v8 than the v6 listed on here. don't be shy away from a v6 if it's in good shape. I have a 2008 so far no problems

I've now owned 3 SOHC V6 Explorers. The SOHC V6 engine is a POS in my opinion (because of the timing chain component problems). Our first SOHC jumped time, destroyed the engine and was scrapped. The second one had the engine replaced by its previous owner, after it jumped time, and is still on the road. The third one still drives, but has been rattling for the past year. This engine design has never been improved since its inception in 1997. In my original post I stated that "I will NEVER own an other 4.0L SOHC". We also have four Gen II 5.0L V8 Explorers/Mountaineers. They have been extremely reliable and currently most have well over 200,000 miles on them, requiring no engine or transmission repairs.

At this point in my life (retired on a fixed income) I can no longer afford to buy new $40,000 vehicles, or even low mileage used vehicles, so a high mileage SOHC V6 would be a poor decision for me. Not being familiar the 4.6 V8, my query was specially about peoples experience with that engine.

From what I have read. 2008 saw changes and all applied by 2009 builds. Those would surely be the best years to look at in a new to you Explorer as we did. Very smooth power without commotion or screaming engines noise Although up to date oil changing regularity maybe key factor in an higher mileage one as per the requirements of the 3V engine of which all are in the aforementioned years.

I hear you loud and clear. I'm also at that time in life where I can put up my feet and do things under my terms.
If you can find a 4th gen 3v that has been well serviced, I do believe that it would be as bullet proof as the 2nd gen 5 litre that you are now so use to. The front ends are basically the same, big change in the rear with irs. The ride is so much more comfortable because of the irs.
If a 3v has seen regular oil changes with the proper (5W20) oil, then there would be no worries. Dirty oil and sludge will cause big problems with the vct, phasers, chain tensioners etc. BUT, this does not seem to be much of a problem around this site. Much more frequent with the 5.4's for whatever reason.
The 6spd trans is on par at the least with the 4r70w. The bump stop is a calibration problem/fix not an internal design fault. Like the 3v, it also requires regular service and can be done by any doityourselfer.
So do your due diligence and take some test drives.

I have a 2009 4.0 V6 and I love it. I purchased it about 2 and a half years ago and have put over 60,000 miles on it without much more than oil changes for the engine. It's got 170,000 miles and still drives like new and has plenty of power, even towing my small trailer with nearly a 1-ton load in it. I average around 17 mpg. On vacation last summer I averaged over 20 with mostly highway driving.

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Our newly acquired 09 is getting 20MPH but thats CND !! I expecit it to rise with the warmer weather.only a few checks so far. New air filter from Ford installed as it was dirty. Not sure if something else is holding down the millage as I was expecting 24MPG at least in CND gallong calculations. Next month I have going to have the dealers oil dumped and switch to synthetic 5W20 I already bought for it for my son.I know winter screws with efficiency so I am not too concerned. I saw a cream colour 2008 LITD AWD with 232k on the clock and was tempted. LOL
