Bronco2guy stomping grounds weekend bash. Ideas?? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bronco2guy stomping grounds weekend bash. Ideas??

Plan at this point is sometime in march, it just cant be whenever turkey season is what my dad told me, and im not sure when that is?? Im game for whoever can make it Im open to anyone willing to come. We have trails everyone can run.

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We worked on the trails again this weekend and actually had a good local turn out of 5 additional rigs wheeling in the afternoon with us. I have some video footage and more pics of trails to post when I get a chance- we did a little backhoe work in one spot we have been eyeing for awhile and now is awesome. Little bit of carnage to rear bumper on my explorer eating dirt, but its on list to get taken off.

Well, i was going thru my calender checking weekends I'm off in march, it would need to be either weekend of the 6th or 20th, I prefer March 19,20,21 anyone else have any thoughts??




also, I wasnt one tearing up my explorer it was my brother not sure why he was drivin, o I think he said hey u need to check your RZR, took it for a ride and explorer was gone!

im up in KC id be down for joining if its allowed

Pretty much whoever wants to come and is able to.

This is how most trails were made, involved find knarly stuff and trying it, this resulted in stuck for quite a while:



Looks like a good time had by all. March 19-21st Sounds ok to me. will keep an eye out for any changes. :thumbsup:

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Yep thats the weekend I'm leaning toward. Should be adequate time to get all trails groomed and some new ones cut.
