I need new coil springs, what have you been satisfied with? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I need new coil springs, what have you been satisfied with?

Limited Ex

Elite Lurker
August 25, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro, North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Limited
My front springs are finally shot. Right now I am running the 5.5" Superlift coils, they've been on there a very long time, but it is time to replace them.

What are some of the other brands you have had good experiences with?

Oh and the catch is is that I would like to have them before next Friday. Its the annual Memorial Day camping trip and I want the Explorer in tip top shape before then:D

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How are they shot? I realized after a while when mine seemed to settle in that i added F150 spacers and was happy.

I've ran trailmaster, skyjacker 4" and skyjacker 6" springs and noticed no difference in flex or handling. I also currenlty have Autofab coils on my TTB setup and they are strikingly similar to my skyjacker 6" coils I still own.

You looking to gain anything? Flex, height? XJ coils are much softer, so ride height might sag but could gain flex. You may need to stiffen up your shocks if you went that route.

My vehicle had the front end aligned a few months ago, and it has sat still ever since. Today I get it back out on the road and I need another alignment, bad. And the J clip on the pass side is now resting on the coil beneath it. For as long as I have had them, I figure its about time for some new ones.

Shocks are new, Bilstein 5100s, and I thought about running the Skyjacker coils since they seem to be softer than the Superlift coils.

Those were kind of my first choice, and the prices I have seen on them aren't bad. Not any worse than adding a second Optima to me engine bay:(

Having a time finding Skyjacker 6" coils for an Explorer, but won't the coils for a Ranger work also?

Pretty confident I searched thoroughly enough, so I just bought them:D Guess I will find out for sure next week!

I think you will be happy. 410 just stated in one of my other threads that Skyjackers have one of the best ratings, where superlifts have the worst rating. Now that review and rating is completely opinion, but I always ranked Skyjacker above Superlift in terms of quality, aside from superrunner steering of course, but I've never ran that either.

Agreed, the SJ coils should work good for all-around usage. They're probably the flexiest of TTB coils (although still a bit on the stiff side if you're thinking about competing with Jeeps on a ramp though). They'll fit your Ex fine, no worries.

Skyjacker has always generally been the better of the two when it comes to the TTB stuff. The Superlift steering isn't without it's flaws either (the big one being the centerlink is up too damn high on it).


I've always been a fan of Skyjacker over Superlift. The first lift I had on my Explorer was a Superlift, then once I got the Skyjacker stuff, I was blown away by the superior quality of their parts. Its been so long ago since I swapped lifts, I don't remember why I didn't originally go with the SJ coils......

On a side not, I was amazed at how many lift options SJ offers for Rangers! I checked out their website and could not believe everything that was available. :eek:

I've been very happy with my skyjackers.
(Hi-Jacking) Is you avitar pic at Brown Mountain? I've always wondered that. It looks just like the Mud Pit up there.

Haha, no, that was actually at Uwharrie. I've never been to Brown Mt., at some point I would love to make the trip.

Got the coils today, and they are about 1" shorter than the Superlift coils.

I rummaged through the garage and found 1 of my F-150 coil seats, and if I can find the other one, then I will go ahead with the install of the new springs. As I can only imagine how low the front end would be if I were to go ahead and put them in:rolleyes:


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Got them installed last week, just in time for the annual camping trip over the weekend. The coils are definitely softer than the Superlift ones, and even with the coil spacers in there, the front is definitely sitting about 1" lower than it was originally. So, while the 6" Skyjacker coils for a Ranger do work for first gen Explorers, you definitely are not going to get 6" of lift out of them.

Its all good though, I've been thinking about redoing the front suspension for awhile anyhow....:rolleyes:

Got them installed last week, just in time for the annual camping trip over the weekend. The coils are definitely softer than the Superlift ones, and even with the coil spacers in there, the front is definitely sitting about 1" lower than it was originally. So, while the 6" Skyjacker coils for a Ranger do work for first gen Explorers, you definitely are not going to get 6" of lift out of them.

Its all good though, I've been thinking about redoing the front suspension for awhile anyhow....:rolleyes:

You'll only end up with 4.5" not the advertised 6"

Thats the reason for the F-150 spacers. I've been concidering 8" coils to try and improve wheel travel.
