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Headers and High Flow Cat Convt

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ive been reading a lot on it.. seems to be a serious PITA with a couple SOBs in there lol. might stick with precolored... haha.. ill keep reading!

squash the dye idea... if it has a fireproof additive to it, like these boots.. it takes that off making it flammable fiberglass!.. so blue it is! lol

squash the dye idea... if it has a fireproof additive to it, like these boots.. it takes that off making it flammable fiberglass!.. so blue it is! lol

I don't see how .i have spare fireproof wrap laying around.ill dye it and torch it and see what happens.they don't get that hot on ours.




haha @ xeek, they look like socks! rofl

jd, let me know, cause if i can then ill get white/beige and dye em, but says makes them fireable.

haha @ xeek, they look like socks! rofl

jd, let me know, cause if i can then ill get white/beige and dye em, but says makes them fireable.

Like i said this has been all in my head....but i don't see how,dye changes the molecule structure of fiberglass.only thing i can think of is the paint has ceramic base but dye is different.i would think the fiberglass would ignite before the dye chemicals would.Idk this is all in my head...no research

haha @ xeek, they look like socks! rofl

jd, let me know, cause if i can then ill get white/beige and dye em, but says makes them fireable.

Hhaaha they look dumb but believe me that header flang gets real hot and they will dry your boots up quick.i tested his wires before this and it looked like a lightning storm!!and im pretty sure i have a bad boot too and my wires are NOT cheap!!

i read about 6 pages, 2 of those are the ones that said fg fabric turns flammable after being dyed.

FG Fabric Dye Dye Method;
-Clean Fabric w/ soap.
-Let fabric dry
-Fill Stainless steel bowl or throw away bowl w/ STEAMING HOT WATER
-Add 1/4 tbsp regular table salt.
-Add Dye Mix; Permanent Dye Mix only
-Let fabric set for 15-45 Mins fully submerged
-pat dry/air dry

Any permanent fabric dye will work. darker the color the longer submerged.

Im gonna order my socks soon, if all else failed wife said to just get blue, that and its less of a hassle and cheaper

edit: the colors i can find that are ship ready, are Black, Red, Silver, White/Beige, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Purple and Pink.

i read about 6 pages, 2 of those are the ones that said fg fabric turns flammable after being dyed.

FG Fabric Dye Dye Method;
-Clean Fabric w/ soap.
-Let fabric dry
-Fill Stainless steel bowl or throw away bowl w/ STEAMING HOT WATER
-Add 1/4 tbsp regular table salt.
-Add Dye Mix; Permanent Dye Mix only
-Let fabric set for 15-45 Mins fully submerged
-pat dry/air dry

Any permanent fabric dye will work. darker the color the longer submerged.

Im gonna order my socks soon, if all else failed wife said to just get blue, that and its less of a hassle and cheaper

edit: the colors i can find that are ship ready, are Black, Red, Silver, White/Beige, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Purple and Pink.

Aww the voice of reason;)yea thats what im going with


ready to scream... already started drinking...

2 Vicegripds, dead
Half of new can of pb blaster, gone
half of a mini torch tank, gone
This thing, dead!

these are a no go

easy out bits, the bolt is eating them

wtf... now

Witch bolt is it?take a pic

bad drawing... but here is a paintshop drawing.. ill get a pic in a few mins, had to come in and eat


edit: passenger side closest to the grille

I can't believe vise grips didn't work.did it round the bolt or the vise grips?you tried heat and wiggle it back and forth,tightn,loosen,tightn,loosen.smack the head of the bolt gently like your nailing in a nail,might wanna do all three.heat the his out it,wiggle it wile tapping on it.or might just have to let it soak over night again.

Its busted... right where the threads started on the bolt. it snapped, clean snap... I soaked it over night and few more hours with PB, torched it for about 20-30 mins 3 times.. i have wiggled it, smacked it a few times, tapt on it, the small vice grips, it flattened out the vg, the larger pair made the broken bolt/stud smooth.

Dang.worst case you can make it all smooth and tap it new threads and use it as a stud and put a nut on it.the old manifold is way thicker than the new headers so you should have enough bolt sticking out

pics would greatly help right now. just when i think i understand what it looks like, you say something that makes me think something else.

and yes, jd is right on hitting it. a buddy told me that trick. mine wasnt broken but same result. put something on the tip thats bigger and give a few good wacks of the hammer, but not to hard. then tighten and loosen with whatever tool that can get a grip.

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pics would greatly help right now. just when i think i understand what it looks like, you say something that makes me think something else.

going now.. and will post within a few mins.
