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Donate to Save Dannyboy's life...cage time

LOL, first hand experience coming from you.

There should be no blue plastic on the rig once I'm finished with it. There will however be a nice big steel handle in there, maybe even a piece of leather hanging from the ceiling you can bite down on Matt.

Between the two rear seats there will definetely be a cooler mount with quick access, maybe even one of those wall mounted can crushers and a recycle bin.

I also figured out that I will give Corbeau seats a shot. I walked into a dealer who sells multiple brands including Beard and Mastercraft and as much as I want to buy a name, I'll have $4K tied up in seats, 5 points and shocks, if I go with Corbeau, I'll save about $800. I'm willing to go that route since I drove my explorers an average of 1500 miles a year since I moved out here.

One guy says go hard backs, another guy says go suspension seats. I personally think suspension.

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you can;t go under the fabric in first gen's? when i talked to either mcneils they said they could do it adn that they do do it. but if i can't then oh well. we'll see. just ahev to find a good time to send the truck off for a few weeks.

woot progress photos! keep em comin :popcorn:

Well, maybe I was wrong, when I looked at this pic I was thinking there was a bend in the "B" pillar that the tube was recessed behind. After further review maybe not.

I'm going to ditch all the interior and go for a bare bones interior. I'd go for a seat, steering wheel and a gas pedal if I could get away with it.


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Son of a... those are huge!

why would u wanna put a cage in a explorer??? pshhh.....

jk. remember to reroute ur exhaust too with those big a$$ shocks coming through your bed or u'll get dizzy fast :)

good point. where does it need to go?

Dang, I almost was going to be in San Luis Obispo for work for the rest of the week, that would have been a good time to check out your whip.

jk. remember to reroute ur exhaust too with those big a$$ shocks coming through your bed or u'll get dizzy fast :)

Depending on the builder the tolerances shouldn't be too large. Maybe run a rubber or plastic shield around the shock body.

good point. where does it need to go

Just come right out the sides, before the axle. Headers into a h or x pipe, Borlas then right out the sides. Run a cat or two if you want. you probably will get the check engine light or try running a O2 simulator.

I would think behind the axle would be better, that way when driving, the fumes are already behind the holes in the bed and will just blow away out the back.

Remember that when the axle goes into full bump you might have clearance issues. Most race vehicles have it before the axle for a reason.

Remember that when the axle goes into full bump you might have clearance issues. Most race vehicles have it before the axle for a reason.

O right, i didn't even think about that. Guess that limits it to before the axle.

what are you trying to compensate for with those giant shocks?

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Umm, I'm going with Corbeau seats, $159 each for suspension seats. If they suck, so be it, I'll replace my one drivers seat down the road. The plan if i ever do run whiplash racing is that I'll fab up some type of square tool boxes and have tabs on them in the same places as the seats, unbolt the two rear seats, boxes bolt in, woo-la, bolted in storage.

I'm still going to need front shocks and should probably look at trussing the front axle up a little more, that will come down the road.

As for exhaust, it's pretty much crunched up and out of the way for now and I think I'll run some type of a CV boot around the hole in the body.

The rear tire carrier will blow your mind, it will fold down, 2 points on the rear bumper and two points that are coming through the rear door (why not when you've got the hole saw out) and it will have a cage on the outside of the tire. The rear glass will still open and if I need to open the door, undo two pins and it will fold down and the door will open leaving the top mounting points on the cage.
The plan with this is the opportunity to build a 2 tire carrier that will go in the same mounting points, only the tires will turn sideways and stick halfway out. There will be no hatch on for that setup. Again, that is only planning for the future. I can't even draw something like that up, but it will be pretty sick.
