DRL (Daytime Running Lights) | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DRL (Daytime Running Lights)

Merry Christmas. Here is a video I made showing how to do it. Sorry for all the sniffles. Allergy season for me is awful.


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Why don't they have the low beams in the select-able list?

Sorry the video cut out at that part.

I'm thinking they set it up this way to prevent someone from activating the low beam DRL by accident if they have HID lamps. So having just being able to select the Turn lamps would be fine for both variants.

Thanks again. This is a great mod tool.

Talked to the Forscan guys and they modified the code and they sent me a link to their latest beta program.

They said this one has all parameters (should have front turn signals AND low beams)

If anyone has halogens and would like to test the low beam DRL here is the link:


Couldn't you also get an option to use the fog lights for DRLs?

Well I haven't loaded up the new version yet, but they did say "all parameters" will be there. If fog lights are allowed by the software on the Body Control Module then it may be listed.

I'm going to give this new Forscan software a look on my lunch break


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oops not sure how to rotate after posting

Talked to the Forscan guys and they modified the code and they sent me a link to their latest beta program.

They said this one has all parameters (should have front turn signals AND low beams)

If anyone has halogens and would like to test the low beam DRL here is the link:


Any chance if you talk to the guys at Forscan if we can also have FRONT & REAR TURN LAMPS for DRL? If the BCM can do that.

Any chance if you talk to the guys at Forscan if we can also have FRONT & REAR TURN LAMPS for DRL? If the BCM can do that.

They said all the ones listed are all the ones allowed by the software.

oops not sure how to rotate after posting
You should be able to Edit your post and use the Advanced feature to go to Manage Attachments and the delete and repost that picture.


You should be able to Edit your post and use the Advanced feature to go to Manage Attachments and the delete and repost that picture.

The pic on my PC is not sideways only when I post it does it turn.

The pic on my PC is not sideways only when I post it does it turn.

Using an iphone by chance? EXIF data could be rotate but windows is showing it without using the EXIF data.

EXIF is store info like camera type, settings, as well as rotation.

Using an iphone by chance? EXIF data could be rotate but windows is showing it without using the EXIF data.

EXIF is store info like camera type, settings, as well as rotation.

Yes and yes
just did a snap shot of the pic and reposted. :)

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