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Dropping a Gas Tank


Active Member
June 25, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
petoskey, mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
I was wondering....
is it hard to drop a gas tank....
i am goin to do a body lift shortly and one of the bolts it behind or on top of the gas tank

is there any how-tos or anythin about dropping a gas tank?

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Not hard to do at all. Make sure you run the tank down to almost empty first. For removing it on a first gen, you have to first remove the skid plate which is just a couple of bolts (it has "fingers" on the front of it that slide into the crossmember). The tank comes out pretty easily by unbolting the retaining strap. Make sure you have a floor jack with a 4x4 on it up against the tank when you unbolt it so it doesn't drop.

Not hard to do at all. Make sure you run the tank down to almost empty first. For removing it on a first gen, you have to first remove the skid plate which is just a couple of bolts (it has "fingers" on the front of it that slide into the crossmember). The tank comes out pretty easily by unbolting the retaining strap. Make sure you have a floor jack with a 4x4 on it up against the tank when you unbolt it so it doesn't drop.

are there any tubes or hoses that you have to remove...and would this be a good time to replace the sensor for the fuel gauge?

Yes it would be a good time to replace the float cuz trust me you dont want to have to drop it again and no if your truck isnt lifted already then you shouldn't have to disconnect any hoses. I didnt have to.

well, since it's a 91 and you live in the rust belt I think you should get a complete fuel pump/sensor kit together with the ring that holds it in place. Chances are the whole top and fuel lines comming out of the tank are corroded. You've got to be patient when undoing the long two bolts that hold the tank - they are indeed pretty long and pretty hard to remove - use plenty of WD40 or some other bolt loosening agent while doing it otherwise you'll spend some time figuring out the way to put it all together.

Been there, done that - don't hesitate to ask... pics are in my gallery from when I dropped tank in my 94.

I always use a torch... Just point the flame so that it melts a hole in the tank -- the body will fly right up off of it. :D

Of course, I'm just kidding... :rolleyes:

You should not have to actually drop the tank to get at the body mount bolts on your year Explorer. They are all removed from above under the carpet.

Otherwise, as others have said, it is still good to drop the tank to check out corrosion.

I always use a torch... Just point the flame so that it melts a hole in the tank -- the body will fly right up off of it. :D

Of course, I'm just kidding... :rolleyes:

You should not have to actually drop the tank to get at the body mount bolts on your year Explorer. They are all removed from above under the carpet.

Otherwise, as others have said, it is still good to drop the tank to check out corrosion.

well, if you are able to remove the bolt good, but if you strip it, brake it or start turning it with the body mount than you will have to drop the tank - chances are you will so...

i tore out all of my carpet and put in spray-in-bedliner. so it sounds like it shud be pretty easy....

but I looked up my truck the other day and it looks like the nuts on the bolts are almost perfectly square...is there a special socket or wrench that I need for this????

i tore out all of my carpet and put in spray-in-bedliner. so it sounds like it shud be pretty easy....

but I looked up my truck the other day and it looks like the nuts on the bolts are almost perfectly square...is there a special socket or wrench that I need for this????

don't turn the nuts under the truck... remove rubber plugs from the top and reach bolts down there - they're 18mm

yes... oval rubber plug... about 3" lenghtwise
