Entry Way Wall Removed In My Condo | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Entry Way Wall Removed In My Condo

Well recently we wanted to make our entry way seem more open. So the girlfriends uncle came down from Maine to help me with this project. Check it out!

Before Pictures:




Now the fun begins

Down comes the wall!


When we removed the stairs, the cat was jumping all over the place and went on the stairs, which was secured to nothing! Pretty funny.


We had to build a custom platforum to raise the stairs and get everything level.


We bought plywood that we didnt need. We reused the one from the old platforom. All I have to do was take out all the old nails. So here I am in action.


Heres the platforum level!


Heres the sheet rock up! and the door in. Notice the cute little kitty door?


Heres another shot.


All we have let to do, is do somthing sanding, then we gotta do some painting. I really hate painting. We are gonna have to paint the cieling, which will inclide the living rooom. Hope you guys enjoyed taking a look.

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Good job! You definitely opened up that entrance to the way it should have been in the first place.

Looks good, did you throw around the idea of making the living room wall that the stairs are behind a half wall? Could have opened the living room up a little also. Looks good though.

Tell your girl's uncle he did a good job. :p: Now's your chance to wire and cut in in-ceiling speakers for the surround sound before you paint, because you'd need a couple access holes to get between the wall and the ceiling. :thumbsup:

You better come over and help.

Geting the furnature in was hard.

Tell your girl's uncle he did a good job. :p: Now's your chance to wire and cut in in-ceiling speakers for the surround sound before you paint, because you'd need a couple access holes to get between the wall and the ceiling. :thumbsup:

That is real nice!!

I was wondering if the headroom at bottom of stairs was compromised much?
Which step is straight down under the overhang edge?

Nothing was compermized. The stairs are just a little steeper. I might shim them later on.

That is real nice!!

I was wondering if the headroom at bottom of stairs was compromised much?
Which step is straight down under the overhang edge?

Looking good Matt :thumbsup:

It really seams to have opened up the whole room... Are other units in your building the same? Maybe you'll be recruited to fix theirs :salute:

All the units have that same wall. But we kinda copied one of the other units. But we are 1 of 2 who have the entry opened up.

Looking good Matt :thumbsup:

It really seams to have opened up the whole room... Are other units in your building the same? Maybe you'll be recruited to fix theirs :salute:

Nice job Matt, can't wait to see the pics when everything is complete
