expansion valve 2005 Ford Explorer xlt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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expansion valve 2005 Ford Explorer xlt


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May 2, 2014
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2005 Ford Explorer xlt
Hi I'm rbsfixit I'm new to the block. Working on AC replacing compressor that locked up also replacing the dryer and expansion valve. I have done this before but they have changed things up a bit having trouble locating the expansion valve I only have front air only. Any help would be much appreciated. Or a video of the location as well.

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If it is like my 2002 it has a fixed orifice assembly instead of an expansion valve to give a set capacity. The temp is controlled by mixing air dampers. It should be located in the liquid line between the condenser and the evaporator. On mine the suction line and liquid line lay on the passenger side on top of the wheel well. The suction line has the low pressure cut off switch at this location and the smaller liquid line beside it has a fitting. If you undo this fitting and look into the tube side towards the firewall you should see the orifice inside. A pair of needle nose pliers should remove it. You will notice that the line is insulated from this point on which is a good indicator of the metering device location.

expansion valve

The high pressure line did it have two nuts that held the line together.?

On my 2002 it does. Edit, just so there is no confusion; I usually call the line from the compressor to the condenser the high side and after the condenser to the metering device (orifice) the liquid line even though it is at the same high pressure as the discharge of the compressor. I worked in the industry for 34 years so am use to different terminology.
