Fuel Filter Half off? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Filter Half off?


New Member
March 16, 2008
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Tallahassee FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 4.0L EFI
I'm going bananas. I am trying to replace my fuel filter. I got the system depressurized, and I have the little tool for getting the line released, but it only seems to work on one side. I push the tool on, I hear a click, and the line comes off. This is the side closest to the tank. On the other side (the side closest to the engine) The tool slides on, I hear a click, and the line wont budge. I have tried for hours to get the thing to move, I have followed the directions in multiple threads about manipulating it to relieve the "fingers" and then sliding it off but my problem is that it wont move at all. It's like it is seized up on the thing. What can I do to get this thing off of the other side? Should I just try to take out and replace the fuel line on that side with the filter still attached?

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If you figure it out please update, I tried and had the same problem and my new filter has been sitting in the box in my shed for 2 months now....

just had the same exact problem.. ended up snapping the line behind the filter (Tank side) and having to buy a replacement patch kit from NApa... only to have it leak on me again. I ended up taking it to a shop where he got 2 lines and spliced it back in and put a factory crimp on the end. I ended up spending like $80 when i could have taken it somewhere for $35! GRRRO well.. i am going to tackle my other ex soon ! haha

Engine side

I found in some other forum that the one on the engine side has only 1 clip while the one in the back has 3, so the one in back needs the tool, and the one in front can be done with a small screw driver. I will probably try this again in the morning if my driveway is not soaked from the storms here.

I found in some other forum that the one on the engine side has only 1 clip while the one in the back has 3, so the one in back needs the tool, and the one in front can be done with a small screw driver. I will probably try this again in the morning if my driveway is not soaked from the storms here.
Keep trying, you'll get it. Good luck.

Keep trying, you'll get it. Good luck.
Here are some other suggestions that helped me:

If you have one line off, carefully remove the filter from the bracket. This will give you an extra measure of leverage.

Do not pull with excessive force on the lines! When the filter is out of the bracket, hold the filter with one hand and slightly away from the bracket. The fingers on your other hand should be wedged between the tool and the filter end, and hand wrapped around the line. You can also rotate the filter slightly with the other hand.

Finally, the manual suggests using motor oil on the filter tube when reinstalling. It wont hurt to squirt a few drops of motor oil into the fitting. These clips may not have been touched in 10 years so corrosion is likely. If the filter is out, you can angle the filter up so oil can flow in.

If you figure it out please update, I tried and had the same problem and my new filter has been sitting in the box in my shed for 2 months now....

HAHA, I know that feeling! I had mine for around 6 months. Every couple of months I'd spend 20-30 minutes messing with it, getting ticked off, and forgetting it.

I finally shot both ends with PB Blaster before I started, and it worked like a normal one did, line came off, surprised the hell out of me that it finally worked, so I didn't even mind the gas in the face :)

I have had no luck with the plastic tools, the metal one makes this a 5 minute task.


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I had issues taking my filter off the first time I tried. Seem seems like the tool was not pushing the clip off far enough so it can clear and slide out. Try maybe adding a piece of electrical tape to the outside of the part of the tool. Maybe the added tape thickness will push the clips open far enough for it to fully disengage. I had to do similar to get my filter off and then it was so easy

Good Luck

Finally got it.

I ended up cutting the fuel filter on the end that was stuck so there was a little grey stub sticking out of the fuel line:confused:. Then I took 3 of those tiny screw drivers with the silver handles and pried the prongs open like the tool is supposed to do, and the thing just fell out:roll:. It was like magic. It wasn't that the tool wasn't pushing the prongs far enough, it was that one of the prongs was just plain stuck. When I forced it with the screwdriver I was good to go. Maybe next time I'll try adding a layer of electrical tape but I think that one prong wasn't going to budge without direct force.

That Tool!

I tried that tool first figuring I'd get more use out of a metal tool, but then it wouldnt fit between the filter and the fuel line. Fortunately Discount Auto let me exchange it for that collection of plastic ones that I only need 1 of (seems like a downgrade to me but I actually had to pay some difference:eek:) but actually fit.

It is a shame they don't have the tool less plastic leg clip fuel line retainers like other Ford cars have.

The trouble with those metal tools is that the end of the posts usually don't match up. I have two of the AmPro brand. Both have one end that is about 1/8" shorter than the other. They turn crooked in the fittings and don't release all of the fingers. I guess I'll try a set of the plastic ones next.

Been watching this thread. Glad you got it TW. :thumbsup:

Glad you got it off. To think something so little is so damn strong...lol

Here is the quick fix I did to get the filter off, if you are in a bind and not able to get to a store or wait for a new tool.

