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Hello Everyone!

Betty Boo

October 23, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Derbyshire, England.
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 North Face UK Spec
I just wanted to introduce myself as a new girly owner of a British model Explorer XLT.
I'm not sure what the differences between our models and the US ones are yet except the obvious being right hand drive!

My car has an LPG (Autogas) conversion so I can afford to run it and anyone with any comments on that please let me know.
I will be getting an additional oil cooler & fan fitted I think as the car will be used to tow a large German Caravan around the UK & Europe and hopefully it will be better than my last 4x4 which was a Jap that blew the autobox!

So pleased I found this forum as we don't have many Explorers in the UK so it's hard to get any info on them.

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Welcome to Explorer Forum!


Welcome to the site Betty *waves*
